Saturday, August 2, 2008

Welcome to the Race & Culture Through Hip-Hop Blog

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That's it for's your first question for discussion:

After reading the chapter from Ronald Takaki's A Different Mirror, how do you think "we" as in "we Americans" should be defined?


TheWanderingStar said...

I think that "we" as in "we americans" should be defined as just that: americans. There is such a diverse culture here that what color your skin is shouldn't matter, what should is wheather you define your self as "american" or not. Why can't we independent of where your ancestors came from to judge your status in the world. Not meaning we should forget our ancestorial struggles but that we should embrace them in a personal way, not hold a grudge aginst others for them.

I love Urban Studies said...
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I love Urban Studies said...

After reading the chapter, I pretty much agree with latonya. It shouldn't matter the color of your skin to be identified as an "American". Since the author was born in America, but his granfather was born in Japan, the author should be identified as an American. His ethnicity would be considered Japanese, but he would be considered American. While reading the article, America is using these other countries services but wants to kick the people out. I feel that that isn't right. To wrap it all up, it doesn't matter the color of your skin, whether it be white, black, yellow, purple, whatever it may be; if you were born in America, it should be what you consider yourself as. If you choose to become the race of your great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather who was Russian bbut you were born in America, no one is stopping you. Chances are he chose whether or not to be of the Russian Heritage.

I love Urban Studies said...

Oh and Latonya, you forgot to spell check.

Unknown said...

I think American culture is the mixture of different ethnicities and races so Americans shouldn't be "defined" so to speak. We should be seen as Americans because of the diversity we have and the many cultures and traditions blending together to make a place of harmony and freedom. I agree with what Tonya said, because our ancestors did have struggles we are able to make further progress by standing on their accomplishments.

Unknown said...

I agree with some of everyone! I think that "we Americans" are all the same only we just don't realize it. If you think about it, most races that make up the American Culture either went through tragedies and came to America to get a fresh start or was brought here/lived here in the very beginning. But the big picture is that they all came here looking for independence and better chances. We should really get to know each other and look at each other's past because it can tell us their struggle and how alike we really are.

Beatmasta2010 said...

We as Americans should be defined as the world. America is a place where everyone comes to fulfill their different " American" dreams. But like in the reading, most of America see's everyone as one race, which is the caucasian America. My view on this is probably because all the other races are never talked about,there are downgraded, or just have a low population. As for white America, most people see it as the right America, and I say this because their always looked at as the presidents, majority of college students, and the ones to own the big fancy houses. So in conclusion I think that we American's should be defined as the another world full of diversity.

budda21001 said...

In my opinion "we americans" should be definned as a whole. We should not determine our future on violent things like the "Rodney King attack" we should base it from the bright and upcoming young adults of the present. Im not saying dont recognize what our civil rights leaders went through to get us eqaulity, im saying dont dwell on the evil things in the past.

Unknown said...

I believe that “we” as in “we Americans” should be defined as it relates to legal citizens on the United States of America. This country has come so far from her days of segregation and inequality that when someone speaks hatred or dislikes of a specific racial group it seems to be an outdated rhetoric with no point.

When it comes to funding education, developing universal health care, finding a cure for AIDS, fighting the war on poverty, and creating a more environmentally friendly world – it doesn’t matter what your cultural background is because these are the issues that WE AMERICANS hold dear to us and that WE face no matter where OUR heritage lies.

America is a land of hope, promise, and opportunity. WE must free ourselves from the manacles of ignorant thinking – from ourselves and others. In the words of Dr. MLK, “And when this happens, when WE allow freedom to ring, when WE let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, WE will be able to speed up that day when ALL of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

Free at last! Free at last!

Thank God Almighty, WE are free at last!”

mimi said...

When it comes to "being American" it doesn't matter whether you're black, white, Asian, or Hispanic. All that matters is that you're in the same country dealing with the same issues as everyone else. If Bush decides to raise property taxes, the Korean owned business will have to pay the same taxes as the Arab man down the street. Also, American is not one ethnicity. Its a combination of all. If it wasn't for the Hispanics, the white man wouldn't be able to enjoy a steak taco. And if not for the Asians we wouldn't know about the wonderful food we know as orange chicken. So embrace this wonderful world we live in. As Biggie would say "spread love," its the American way. Because you know that if one day everyone was gone, you'd be pretty lost without them.

ReCe3 said...

"We Americans" should be defined as a big family within America. Because each and every one of the different cultures have experienced some type of obstacle, "WE" need to stand together as one and not fight ourselves but fight for our country. I agree with Latonya and her statements about ancestorial struggles and I believe that "Americans" have forgotten what culture and life in general is all about. As displayed in the text, the author was judged because of his appearance. But stereo-types played a big role because the taxi-driver felt that the author's english was really good (for him to be Japanese). I felt the taxi-driver lacked intellect and I realized that some of society is still like that today. With that said, America is a family and united we shall stand!

Mr. P said...

Hey all--great comments so far! I'm wondering, is it difficult for a dominant group to let go of their culture? It seems that many groups have formed ethnic enclaves in the United States (for example, in Chicago we have: Chinatown, Little Village, Greektown, Chatham, and Beverly) all of which are not known for their diversity, but their exclusivity. By growing up in neighborhoods where we share the same ethnicity, skin color, faith, or otherwise, is it more difficult for us to be accepting of "other" Americans?

SoxFan1 said...

I agree with what everyone else says, The united states is a place that was built on the back of immagrants and just because you look asian, or russian, or any other foriegn culture doesn't mean that you shouldn't be considered an american the constitution says that everyone born in america is an american. Sterotyping someone by thier looks is not fair at all to that person.

Unknown said...

To answer Mr. p's other question, I think that it is very difficult for us to be accepting of other cultures because we're so used to sometimes being around people who are the same as we are {speak the same language, same skin color, same beliefs, etc}. But I also do think that we shouldn't have problems accepting others because we are all becoming of the same, speaking each other's languages, believing each other's beliefs. We're becoming one culture where in the end i believe everyone will be sharing everything with each other and we will no longer have to look at each other's skin color as long as we know we stand for the same thing.

black barbie said...

"We Americans" defines everyone not based upon your beliefs, culture nor race! We are all Americans, very similar ancestorial struggles and citizens of America! So why define "we" as anything other than who we are not. The struggles has happened, the past shall stay what it is, an event that occurred during a time previous to the present. Life consists of problems, so "WE" shall deal with them and leave it alone. "WE AMERICANS" shall be defined as one!

biancatigger said...
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Anonymous said...

I think "we" as in "we Americans" should not be defined as a certain class or ethnicity or any other type that further increases the names we have for each other. If we are going to be defined it should be something that not only works for all types of ethnicities but also includes the roots of all races not just one. America was created from roots all around the world and its only fair if we include our neighboring countries and we dont let ignorance define us but WE as one define America.

NaturallySpeaking said...

I think that "we Americans" should be defined by our personalities and on the scale of being natural human beings. We are more than just color or ethnic background, we are people. People that make mistakes, People that create positive differences and more than anything people that are trying to survive in a very competitive world. I believe that the last thing we need to do is judge one another based upon race. From personal experience peoples preconceived notions about one another based upon skin color is a shady viewpoint of what is reality. For example being an African American female when I answer the telephone in a "professional tone" that surprises many people...This shock is due (a lot of the time) to the fact that some people have been taught to believe African Americans as a whole act and talk a specific way. I think it is imperative for people to begin to realize that color is literally just that!!>>A tone of skin which you were born with without voice that DOES NOT DEFINE YOU!! I am patiently waiting for the day when "Americans" and people in general will be defined by their personalities and their contributions to the well being of man kind>>>Color does not always have much to do with those 2 things which in turn means that, the scariest fact about color is that it shouldn't mean as much as it doesin modern day society ...

mz.understood said...

This is a difficult question because there is no rubric I can pick up that breaks down who meets the criteria to be an American. There is no how to manual describing how an American should be put together. The fact is, race and color do not define us as Americans, it merely distinguishes one individual from the next. As stated on page 17 of the reading “America does not belong to one race or group…” Besides all of the legal qualifications, a “true” American is one that is loyal to our country and will stop at nothing to see us as a whole succeed. Despite our differences and disagreements, we’re all one nation experiencing the same economic hardships. To answer Mr. P’s second question, yes, at times it is difficult to be excepting of “others.” It’s hard to understand people when you don’t come from the same back ground. Humans tend to fear what they don't understand, which causes discrimination and hostility toward different ethnic groups. But what people fail to realize is that no matter how our circumstances vary- we’ll always be linked to each other because we share a common love for our country……a dominant group shouldn’t have to let go of their culture. America is a mixing pot of cultures from around the world so, instead of suppressing their roots, they should introduce it to the world! I define myself as an American because I want so see us as a nation stay at an economic incline (and I’ll gladly do my part to contribute to that).

Kyra M. said...
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Kyra M. said...

After reading this chapter, i think that "we" as in "we Americans" should be defined by our US citizenship. It should not matter what color your skin is, or whether your grandparents were born in the US or not. The only thing that should matter is if you, as an individual, were born in America or has been granted your citizenship in America. America has always been diverse and i think that "we" as a people need to stop labeling each other as one thing, and all come together as being Americans. The US has many types of people with different cultural backgrounds, but in the end we all come together to vote on our government, and i feel America needs to come together more often and stop being so separated

ms.lady said...

I believe that we as Americans are as one. I dont think that it should be any division in what we are. Of course there are many different nationalities in America, but at the end of the day an American is an American. Often we try to lable ourselves as one race, but we all have struggles, we all have obstacles, we all have to stick together in a bond and make it as one America.

Unknown said...

i think we should define we americans as diverse human being. America is a huge meling pot full of ingredients that are letting there flavors blend. we americans are apart of that.

Anonymous said...

Americans should maintain the perspective of a diverse family through multicultural significance. We are one united ever since the beggining and this shall never stop. Our history indeed guides Americas future.

yaR said...

I believe that "we" in Americans should be defined as all cultures. After all American is build upon a diverse amount of cultures. America is like another word for diverse. Without everyone that has contributed to the American culture, there would not be any type of American culture today

School Inequality said...

After reading this chapter I found this article very intriguing. I think that Americans can not be defined. There are too many different cultures, and religions, etc. that define Americans differently from others already. I believe that there is no such thing as defining an American because Americans define themselves. Also I believe that the man was American even though his grandpa was of a different heritage. And to respond to Patience 32 Americans are not the same they can’t be defined as “Same” because there are different things that make up every American.

mz_lala said...

From reading this chapter i think that we should be defined as all different races that come together and all become Americans. Since we come from all ethnic backgrounds we are all different. But the one thing that we share is that we are all Americans. Even though Caucasians are naturally seen as Americans, people must also forget that America is filled with people of more than just the black or white race. There are also Japenese, Chinese, Mexicans and Pueto Ricans.

Rainbow Love said...

i believe that we americans should be defined as one despite how different we are its not based on the race or color one should be based by character thats what truly makes a person but i do believe that we american need not to over-look the fact that all of our differences MADE AMERICAN into what it is today and hold ourselves accountable

MzMyles said...

There is no moral definition to the word "american". I believe each idividual person defines our citizenship as a whole. Americans do not have a 'look', we are a very diverse country and should be respected as such. Every is from the continent of Africa originally, so in so many ways we are one. I don't see color, I see people.

blue said...
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Myzz. Slick said...

I believe that we 'Americans' should be defined as exactly what we call ourselves; Americans. We shouldn't care about skin color or how our outer appearances look different (meaning our facial structure). We all should just be able to live in America as Americans and get along without the racial borders that causes umconfortableness. I also agree with LaTonya about America being culturely diverse adn we should except that and at the same time not forget about our own personal ancestors

Wayne's Gurl said...

I believe that the we in we americans should include all inividuals that live in america. i mean diversity is what makes us a unique society. we are known as a melting pot,americans should be thankful that they get exposed to so many new things. I can't believe that people can possibly still believe that other cultures will destroy american culture, because american culture is a mixture.

sedrict0507 said...

i beleive that when we is used in "we americans" there should be no race requirement that you should have to fit into the catagory. If you are to be called an american then that means you were either born here in the united states or you came from someother place and you have met all the qulifications to become an american. Race, religion or any other outside presence should be allowed to come in and interfere with that. Just because your not the color that they say founded and started america does not mean that you cant be called an american.

mariaelena said...

As Americans, I don’t honestly think that we can be defined. But, if I had to...I'd say that we are very large group of diverse people. A Group of people who have so many differences; but at the same time share so many things in common. There is no one group that makes America or a specific race. We have all contributed to its culture and its foundation. Without diversity America wouldn’t be what it is today. We are all very small pieces to a large puzzle without each other there is no America.

Chloe' Rose said...

I believe "we" as in "we Americans" should be not be defined, but instead thought of, or portrayed as one who cares for themselves and others to contribute to the country. An American should be defined as a citizen and not distinguished by race, culture, color or gender. In A Different Mirror, the author explained of how the diversity of text and/or community has changed over time, and how the limitations of races have been put to work, or have been lessened. For example, the Chinese fled from their native home, because of tyranny, while the Irish were also "victims of British colonization". He also made a connection between all the cultures that in almost every book published of referenced, especially in culture, there have not been all races included. In a history book there are sections about how history came about but one has to study a specific area, for example, African American history to learn more in depth of what may have actually happened. An American is a citizen who appreciates their country. Almost every race or culture has an "an" or "can" at the end (Mexican, American, Ghanaian, etc.), so in actuality no one should be considered to be un-American. Although the quality of being American would be to be a citizen, love their country and/or contribute to the U.S., these do not limit one from being American, and if one does not love their country for example, does not make them un-American. When Congressman Robert Matsui asked "How as a 6-month child born in this country be declared an enemy alien by his own Government" years later, reminds me of the Dred Scott case where they tried to make him return to his owner. The author would still be considered an American, because he’s a natural citizen of the United States. Even though his parents are from Japan, he is still American. In all, an American is a citizen, a man put into the world of diverse cultures and races. A mix of all race, culture, gender and color form the United States. Without it, there will be no diversity, and without that, there will be no world as we see it – no history.

myzz_BiG.bLaQ said...

Personally I dont like labels or being identified as a certain someone, except for a girl. I think that Ameracans shouldn't be identfied just as classic blonde hair and blue eyes anymore, becuase America is so much more than that. Take the "American Dream", there are African Amercans and Asians living that very dream of being succesful. I think that we should be identified for those that are trying to make a change and those that are striving for something better in life not the past.

Phoenix said...

I believe 'we' as in 'we Americans' should be defined as in any person who lives in or had lived in and is proud to live in the United States of America. Many people that live here don't like America as a whole, sure they like the opportunities but not the diversity, the society the population. Having said that I mean only those people who cannot truthfully say "I am proud to be American". It does not include those who say "I used to be proud of America and am not anymore" because they don't like America as is. I don't think every person living in the United States should be accepted because they don't appreciate what it means to be American. [Even if it's just their own opinion of what it means.]

America is a place where you can be accepted for who you are no matter your race [Regardless of it's views on other differences] and that is why I am proud to be American. So, naturally, I believe I am American.

Anonymous said...

After reading the Chapter I believe that "we" as in "we americans" should be defined as a culture constructed on the fact that anyone can come to this country and be successful. Taking the words from our national anthem "The land of the free and the home of the brave." People that come to this country should feel as if they are free; not just because the government claims this country is a "democracy" but because they are able to accomplish the same goals as any other American no matter their race, beliefs, or social status. Americas inhabitants should live in a melting pot environment and not a salad bowl.

jcy_c0utur3 said...

I basically agree with what everyone else on here is saying. Every single citizen's ancestor has put some input into building this country. The day ethnic groups look at different ethnic groups as equals like our ancestors did, just might be the day America unifies. Maybe then, we will all be put into one category as "Americans" opposed to the titles "Asians", "Hispanics", and "Blacks".


well first i want to say that i dont get why everyone is saying americans should just be defined as americans, i so dont think that is a true statement because america is made up from all these other cultures mixed in one. So we aren't just americans were white, black, asian, hispanic, indian, etc. all together. Yeah, it shouldn't matter about your race but unfortunatly thats what it is all about in america. Like perla said you cant even define us because we are soooooooo much mixed in one country!! To answer Mr. Pond's question i so totally believe that it is hard for them to let go of their cukture and let other things in. And the reason is because yes chicago has this imaginary fence every where for like different races to live like its cut off into these sections. In california you dont have that everyone lives around everyone, theres no sections at all people can accept others and their beliefs/culture. Its just that simple!! So over all you cant really define an american person because there is so much about them I'm sure every american could write a book about their background and where they came from. And it might be mixed with like up to 4 different ethnicitys.

rae said...

I think that "we" as in "we Americans" are one big country made up of people from several smaller countries. This country is made up of people from Australia and France to Italy and Vietnam. Anybody who lives in this country right now who is striving to make America a better and stronger nation is considered a true blue American. As an African American, my descendants were people who were brought over from Africa to america to work as slaves. Even though the slavemasters didn't consider them to be Americans, I do.Instead of committing hate crimes against one another, let's spread the love, acceptance, honor, and tolerance instead of the hate.

KING YC said...

I think that "we Americans" can't actually be defined because there are so many different cultures, history, ancestry, etc within the history of "Americans". When hearing the word Americans more than one culture comes to mind. The racial seperateness in America is too large I mean you have your black communities, white communities, hispanic communties, and many more. "We" can be reffered to a a people in general but there are so many different kinds of people in America that you can't. As you go back in history you eventually trace one's culture back to where it originate which isn't America.

mz.misunderstood said...

I agree with the statement that we should be one as Americans instead of being segregated. All Americans should be equal so we shouldn’t be treating each other like we are all as one. I agree with LaTonya, it shouldn’t matter the color of your skin if you are an American you should be treated the same. Everyone that is in America is here for a reason so we should all just support each other. I also feel that America needs to unite as one and not be split up by their race and class. with the statement that

Rocio said...

To start off the definition of an American is a person born America. This being said white are not the only people being born America and we all know that. America has the beauty to be able to say that it has people from all over the world, not many countries can say that. Yet we have that gift and we use it as an advantage to judge people and in some cases make them feel terrible by saying “you don’t look American”. “We” is a word that is impossible to be defined by a single race and or a particular characteristic. When the word “we” Americans is used, we should automatically have the mentality that it includes everyone, not just the white men or the blonde blue eye girl next door. America has been such a powerful country thanks to the Mexican working at the candy store, the Arab owner of the gas station, the Chinese landlord of the exquisite Chinese restaurant, the white men in the business industry and the African American working at the post office. America the beautiful includes: Asian, Hispanic, African American, Middle Easterner and Caucasian. Important hint for all Americans who have a narrow mind regarding “we” start getting use to thinking of a mixture, a variety, a range that’s what really defines America.

kelsey_markee said...

"We" as in "we Americans" isn't as simple to define like Japanese or European. America is like a melting pot, all these different cultures come together to form one big integrated society. And on that note no one specific race is the face or definition of America. The color of skin and facial features can't really tell those that live in America from those that don't. The only thing that can decide what "we" as in "we Americans" are is our mindset. If we are dedicated citizens and our goal is to better America, our home, then we ARE Americans. People of a specific hometown think to better their place of residence because they want to feel a sense of pride in living there, and if we have pride in our country and look for ways of improvement then having that "look" is no longer an important characteristic.

Mrz.Radcliffe said...

America has a very rich, multicultural society that can not be defined in one word. What I got from the reading was that in order to learn or better yet define America we must use a "different" mirror in order to reflect the differences that make america so unique. The we in "we americans" can mean anybody, whether they are black, yellow, white, or brown. since america has been built on the backs of immigrants and people from all over the world, you can't accuratly define the "we" without excluding someone. Americans include every nationality, ethnicty, race, etc. So in other words you can translate "we americans" into everyone/everybody!

sacrdhazldiva said...

First off I cannot stop laughing at these screen names. Americans should be defined as being unique. We have our own individuality and our definition should not consist of race, age, gender, style, nor hair. That is one thing we tend to do is judge someone by their looks. But Americans are so unique each one of us are different so there isn't a one word or look that can define us. We all have different religions, cultures, background, lives, families so it is hard to put a title on us.

Jay said...

After reading the first chapter of A Different Mirror, I feel as though Americans should be define as Americas. All people are the same the only difference is the color of their skin and that shouldn't matter. I personally feel as though race does not matter because today no one is really pure. We have so much diversity so many different cultures and I feel Americans are a mixture of all races...

Jose said...

I think "we Americans" should be all define as just being American. People always get judged because the color of their skin is not the same, but what others don't realize is that Americans come in all sorts of colors. It doesn't matter where a person's ancestors came from if they where born in the U.S. they are as American as any white, black, brown, ect.

Unknown said...

I believe that "we" as in "we americans" should be defined as a group of people (or culture) unknowingly share everything. We all do things that other people (race, gender, etc.) do. From the things we eat, clothes we where to the things we say, most of it comes from someone who is different than we are. This is what is so amazing, because so many people have problems with others yet they participate in this uniqueness. People who have problems with Blacks won't hesitate to eat some fried chicken, and same thing goes for chinese food and mexican food. All of the races that make up America, has in some point in time made a unique (and most of the time a big) contribution. The contributions should be acknowledged and those people and their generations should be accepted. (I know you said not to use our real names, but I already had an account and I didn't know how to change the name)

culinarymajor said...

I think that we as Americans should be defined as a diverse group of people. There is no right way or wrong way to be an American. Generally people describe Americans by how patriotic they are, but patriotism doesn't define Americans.

SupaStar "Mi Xue" said...

I think that “we” as in “we Americans” should be defined as what ever we present ourselves as. Each American, including myself, create stereotypes of what a “true American” or a “real American” is, for example; America is only Black and White. Most Mexicans are illegal. Every American is filthy rich. We all know that there is more to an American then being black or being white, you can be of Latino descent and be an American, you can be of Asia descent and be an American, because America may have been founded on so many cultures and languages and religion, but the time since that America was founded was a long time ago. Today, people fail to realize that this America has no color, no shape, no specific language, no ideal look, although people may try to cut out the perfect mask to fit this idea of America, it will never fit perfectly, because times continue to change. “We” may stand as one people, but “we” do not share the same identity, but that’s okay, because that’s what makes us Americans.

lea_diva3 said...

After reading the article, to me being an American is defined by the nation. Since the nation is diverse in culture and race there isn't just one peticular meaning because everyone who is defined by it is different.

blue said...

In my opinion "we" as in "we as Americans" has already been defined. "We" as in "we as Americans" means unity regardless of races, culture, and religious background. It means unity, diversity and struggle through in the world that we must face together.

Dunnie said...

I think that their is know real difinition for an American.I think that their are many diffrent aspects to a true american. America is made of many diffrent backgrounds that all go together in diffrent ways to make America.

I also agree with latonya because america is very diverse and the color of their skin shouldn't matter and it doesn't as much but race is still a factor in america.
over all i think an american can be some one who is born in america and someone who came over and are contibuting to the american society and/or have the papers to prove that they are americans.

brittany said...

I personally feel that one should not be judged or catorigized by any means neccessary. I feel this way because as an indivual you should stand out, and everything about you should be unique. Therefore everything about America should be unique, that's what makes us different from other countries. So to ask what makes one American, would be similar to asking one, what makes you who you are. There is no specific answer, which means "we" in America should have our own identity.

chris said...

"we Americans" should be defined as whether or not you was born here in America. If you were then your an American but to other people they just look at you and say to themselves what they think your race is.Like say most likely if a guy is walking down the street and coming his way is a Hispanic male the guy would think "O he's Mexican" but just because he looks mexican doesnt mean he's not an american;his parents was prolly born in mexico and he was born here so doesnt that make him american?
It shouldnt matter what race you are as long you was born in america or has citizen ship then you are american.Its mostly all about race to people because thats all they see.

Mr.Blah Vlah Blah said...

i believe that the american culture is made up of all other races and cultures...all cultures make up the the united states, we are all united states as in we are all matter what color of skin we are all equal...i think if you are born in the united states, you are american....diversity makes up the USA...

Anonymous said...

I think that we should define America as not only the people who were born here, or the people whose ancestors were brought here unwillingly, but also and most importantly as the people who contribute in making this country a succsessful one. The people who work the harder (manual jobs) are the ones that make this country so admired and successful.

hi. my name is what yours isn't. said...

I don't think America can be defined. Even if people think it should be defined, it can't be. American culture is everything. Many Americans are overweight but that doesn't mean all Americans are overweight. Many other cultures follow the same trends and are distinctly different from the rest. American culture, if it had to be defined, would be live in America and do whatever it is you can to live.

Eddie said...

people really can't say what verifies to be an american, we all have a different background, we all are different period. but i believe if you follow how society wants you to believe that an american is that's proving to them that your american. theirs no real definition its jus what society wants to be. An american can be someone who's patriotic because of his surrounding telling him she's/he's american cuz their following.

biancatigger said...

I don’t really believe there is an exact definition of what we as Americans should be defined as because in everyone’s eyes, we are so different. There are so many of us that we might as well be a rainbow because we represent so many cultures that alternate the definition of an American. I mean who really knows what an American really is? Seriously, not even white people know. They know what they want to hear but the truth is that they don't know. Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Natives , NONE of us know what the definition is but together is exactly what an American is. We can not be an American with out that other culture not present. WE are who we are but we are still "we" as in together, making us Americans TOGETHER

jp_2010 said...

I believe that "we" as in "we Americans" should be defined as a huge melting pot where all these different cultures and languages are put into; diversity. There are so many different cultures and different languages being spoken here. Today, though, i believe being an "American" means being a citizen. If you are not a citizen, then people will only see you as the race from the country you came from. Once one becomes a citizen, then i believe that that person is "officially" American due to today's standards with all the immigration going on. When someone becomes a citizen, they have the right to call themselves an American.