Thursday, August 14, 2008

Do-gooders and Evil-doers

In chapter one Salaita describes America's view of the world as good vs. evil, with Arabs always being portrayed as "evil" and Americans always portrayed as "good". What do you think about this? Be sure to use evidence from the book and outside sources to support your responses. Feel free to locate web links for outside sources (such as online newspapers, journals, news stations) to support your argument. One such article for discussion can be found at: Please note the date--five days after September 11th.

I'm curious to hear your views on this!


kelsey_markee said...

Salaita states, "...Arabs are evil because they are all terrorists and because, based on their religion..." This seems to be based on the average American's mindset, but this quote can't possibly relate to all Arabs. There has been no evidence that every Arab has either lived to be a terrorist or believed in the idea of misogyny. This just shows how open minded we can be as a nation.
On page 46, in the second paragraph, Salaita states, "It is certainly problematic that a writer who, after two trips to a foreign nation, described the very set of social problems in that nation that he failed to recognize in the nation in which he was born, raised, and educated." If you honestly think about it, America shares some of those same issues(geneaology defining one's place in society, misogyny, and irrational violence). Therefore, wouldn't America be considered evil also?
No one nation can be defined as good or evil because not every person in that nation shares the same mindset. Some Iraqis and Palestinians grow to be terrorists just like some Americans grow to be serial murderers. No one group of people can decide the fate of an entire nation. Therefore, I believe the view of all Arabs being evil and all Americans being good isn't necessarily the best/correct statement to make because every nation has those few people that aren't the best example of the meaning civilized, and the entire nation shouldn't be punished for the lifestyle of those few uncivilized people.

Rece3 said...

I totally agree with Kelsey and I wanted to use the same quote on page 46 but I found an outside source that I found interesting. The title of the article is Osama VS. Obama ( and it showed the great points about Obama and the negative of Osama. Because Osama is Arab and was said to be involved in the 9/11 attacks, many feel that he speaks for Arabs and they judge Arabs based of one man's opinions. After the attacks, the social relations against Arabs have been considered negative, evil, and biased but there are many Arabs that are the total opposite. The Arab culture includes most children being exposed to terrorism and being forced to adapt to that way of life. It is wrong to judge people based off their culture. America has a more broad culture so people are not exposed to as much violence and terror as Arabs, but that does not make Americans any better nor worse. Honestly, I believe that the country and it's culture makes the person and who they become. So, with that said, no one country and it's people can be categorized as good or evil just because one person or group of people have disgraced the country.

Beatmasta2010 said...

After reading this chapter I wondered if childhood books give the impression that Arab's are evil, and I think it is true. In my head when i think of The Big Bad Wolf I think of a walking wolf sneaking around with a scarf on his face getting ready to blow down the three little pigs house down. This does symbolize Arab terrorists. So most authors in America have been successful in giving us this evil image. Another way I've seen it become successful is through politics. I was watching CNN and they were talking about the Obama/McCain questions and answers. One of the questions was, "Does evil excist and if so how do we stop it?" McCain answered, "Yes it does excists, and we have to defeat it." soon after he completes the statement and says, "..and we will defeat Osama." I didn't think of it till I got to page 40, when Salaita says, "Evil of couse means Arab." And he is right, according to republic America evil means Arab. But according to Democrat America, Obama answers that, "Yes it excists, and it's up to God to defeat it. The most we can do is to confront it and be the soilders in Gods plan." (Vote Barack Obama!!) So it's true that America seems to be good and Arabs portray to be evil, but we, as Americans, must understand that it's good and evil on both sides.

black barbie said...
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black barbie said...

I agree with Salatia's feeling. I feel as though the world has come aginst all Arabs because of the 9/11. Majority of Americans dislike Arabs and calls them everything under the sun. While reading this book i felt embarrased as to his feelings because i viewed Arabs as mean people to. But, reading this book from Salatia's point of view my feelings has changed tremendously. Readind over the link that you (Mr. Pond) gave us Bush clearly states that " Those evil- doers are still lurking". President Bush states this about Arab Americans as if they are monster of som sort. Salatia's feelings are true the world is evil towards him. All Arabs are not evil, all Arabs aren't harmful. We as Americans need stop open up our mind frames to see the bigger picture. This racism is only causing self- hatred!

Unknown said...

The Author states, on pg. 10, "Arab Immigrants were met with discrimination by people who weren't prepared to allow them to become properly "American"". This meaning that even before attacks during 9/11 in which people believe Osama was involved, Americans still weren't ready for these immigrants to come in and be like them. I guess the feeling of Americans were understandable in a way. They didn't want immigrants to come in and try to take over the customs and tradition they had already set. Kinda like viewing all immigrants as being "copy cats". On pg. 10, Salaita also states that during the time after the 1967 war in the Near East, Arab Americans tried less to adopt America's cultures and customs because of the discrimination and also because of America's support for Isreal. Furthermore, I agree with Kelsey also. Every Arab American cannot be faulted for the evilness of one! and her example of terrorists vs. serial killers is a good one. How can Americans be so hypocritical when some of us are being evil like we say all Arabs are. We need to be open-minded and less quick to judge!!!

Unknown said...

After reading this chapter my eyes are focused on America's views of itself and other countries. America has a huge impact of how other people see us and how the other countries see themselves. Tom DeLay says, "The same evil that terrorized past generations with the Holocaust and the Gulag terrorized us with the 9/11 attacks" (49). When other countries hear comments like those from Americans they are encouraged to have the same thoughts, this includes the Middle East as well. America is seen as the victim to 'evil' Arab crimes, but no one points the finger back at us about what we are doing to them and their home. I think it's a matter of superiority and America will always be seen as the good guy.

lea_diva3 said...

The author writes, "...and any time a settlement project is underway, the indigenes whose land is being settled are invariably basterized as uncivilized or savage." This sense of thinkining has been within American since the settlement of Columbas. When he "civilized" the "savage beasts", Indians. But yet Americans are so brainwashed to think that everything our administration does is good.
Arabs are labeled as evil and all are terrorists. I feel they are people that are human just like me. I don't feel its appriopiate to judge the whole etnicity of people just by the doing of a small group of people. Since 9/11 the Arab World's reputation has went down hill. But I feel that's only because the people there are unknown. Americans just don't understand them or there way of life. Due to the fact that Arabs doesn't completely assimulate to the America Way of life. And to me that is what American calls Evil, something that they know nothing about and can't control.
American places the blame on others for any problem. When all the while the nation needs to stop and take a look back and reconsider who is evil and good. ASmerican isn't as innocent as it claims to be.

I love Urban Studies said...

Salaita writes that Arab is a synonym for terrorist. In today's society, he is right. Americans think that ALL Arabs are evil and terrorists. I found a link on how Americans viewed Arabs before 9/11. "...years before the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001, Arab Americans were seen as more antagonistic, less congenial than any other racial/ethnic group." This was found at http// This shows that even before 9/11, Americans viewed Arabs as hostile people. I also saw quotes on page 38 where it says, "...66% of the 520 books refer to Arabs as violent; 52% as evil; 37% as liars; 31% as greedy; 28% as two-faced; 27% as traitors; etc" and the other quote stated, "...murderer was used 21 times; snakes, 6 times; dirty, 9 times; vicious animal, 17 times; bloodthirsty, 21 times; warmonger, 17 times; killer, 13 times; believer in myths, 9 times; and a camel's hump, 2 times." Overall, I believe that you can not decide on just looking at a few Arabs and decide the whole Arab community are terrorists. I feel that if things were judged by looking at a few people, America would be defined as Evil also. Look at it this way, America has some bad people residing here, but does that mean all American's are bad. Would you want someone to walk by you and call you a murderer because American's are portrayed as bad or evil? I DIDN'T THINK SO!!!

TheWanderingStar said...

I think that Salita takes it to far in this comment. He was to general in saying that ALL americans are always portrayed as good and ALL Arabs as bad. In some ways he contidcts himself by making this statement; on pg. 42 he states that americans were 'evil' to African slave labors, indians, and all immigrants. This statement show that there is evil even is the supposedly unevil Americans

Unknown said...

"Arabs are evil. Not Majority of arabs. Not some... all arabs are evil"(pg 39) and "We've been warned there are evil people in this world."(bush article). This qoutes clearly defines the American views on Racism and how they handle in an ignorant way. the first qoute discusses how All arabs are evil, how can America judge a entire ethnicity based off one action committed by a few members of one race. I agree with Kelsey this does show how open minded of a nation we has america are. The second qoute clearly states how because of 9/11 we as a nation have to be carefull because the arab americans are evil just like those who were responsible for 9/11. just like the holocaust this was another excuse to blame one race because of the irresponible tactics of the government. we as a nation and other nations too have to stop blaming other races because of political or economic issues

Tigg3r said...

In chapter 1 on page 48 Salatia states, "Only fools make such arguments because anybody can find evidence of violence in any human doctrine that has actually been utilized by humans." In this quote I believe that Salatia is saying that if Arabs are considered evil then all humans, all races, cultures, ethnicities, and religions shall also be called evil. Throughout history one race of people has always dominated another race. For instance, slavery, slavery took place for hundreds of years but Europeans and White Americans weren't seen as evil. Throughout this chapter Salaitia talks about how America doesn't believe racism exist; especially since they or individual people writing on the subject never experience it. I don't agree with the idea that Arabs are evil and Americans are good. I don't believe all Arabs should be at fault for what a couple did. If that was the case the whole world would hate each other based upon past and present battles with racial superiority.

budda21001 said...

I feel this is the start of geniocide. One of the twelve steps of geniocide, is called dehumanization. It seems that America has already started it by viewing itself on a higher level than the Arab World. This happened with aparthied in Africa. America has been trying to civilize parts of the world since this country began. And by doing this, "evil" acts has been done on our part. So therefore it has been concluded that not only one specific country can be labeled as good or evil because everyone is different with their on view on life. Technically there is good and evil in eveyone.

Chloe' Rose said...

"We haven't seen this kind of barbarism in a long period of time," Bush said. "This is a new kind of evil." This quote was taken from Bush's speech on September 16, 2001, 5 days after 9/11. This supports Salaita's belief that Americans are taught that we are good, and Arabs are evil. Only certain times, when an attack or bomb occurs, is when children hear about Arabs, and the news is usually bad, especially on "Fox News". I do not agree that all Arabs are evil and Americans are good, because one, who am I to judge who is bad or evil? Because no one may know the religion of one, or because I may be a Christian, Baptist or a Muslim; that does not give me the right to call some one good or evil. Yes, I do agree that there are people in the world who choose to do the wrong things. However, I cannot by any means call them evil. Personally, I believe that Americans are worse than Arabs. On page 33, Salaita states that "In the two years following 9/11, the number of Arab and Muslim defendants rose to 9.3 percent while the prosecution of non-Arabs dropped 6.7 percent. How can Americans discriminate so much, when they have no idea who was behind the wheel? We as Americans, from past presidents like Johnson and Roosevelt, have proved to be sneaky, and sometimes will only act for the pride of ourselves and not for the country as a whole. Utilizing the quote used by Kelsey on page 46,I agree with her that we share the same problems. Furthermore, I agree with Salatia, because it's like putting yourself into someone else's shoes and still making a false judgment of neglect. It's simply lazy and wrong. I cannot agree at all at no point that Arabs are evil, and Americans are good, because to me, they are only different; and if different means being evil, I ask god to forgive me and repent me for my sins, because I would have therefore, committed a life of sin. Difference is change, and because Americans especially, are afraid of change, we subject change to being bad, more often evil. We do the same with religion and culture. However, from Cohen to Bush, a terrorist, "The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives," has nothing to do with being evil. It has all to do with one's actions, not the whole of one's ethnic background.

Anonymous said...

In this blog i found out how a teacher from a(n) (American politics) class was hurt by some of the comments her students said(even though she was not Arabic) on the next day ater 9/11: "We should kill those fucking bastards....let us nuke them all....we should exterminate them.....". Looking at this I think that people or "Americans" as Salaita says to be "good" no matter what, are just ignorant people who dont know what theyre talking about. For example Salaita writes: "-White experts on the Arab World who aren't Muslim, don't speak Arabic, and know nothing of Arab countries except perhaps what they learn during occasional visits when they spend time commiserating with American and Israeli generals." These "experts" know nothing except basic details about Arabic countries, but since in America theyre called "experts" anything they say is right because theyre "proffessional". I think that American people like those ("experts" in "Arabic countries") are what gives America a bad name. Which is why Salaita disproves the fact that America is not "Good" and that Arabs are not "Evil". It goes like the saying "dont judge people by their cover", and although this is common sense alot of individuals seem to forget the fact that Arabic people are not all if not any "Murderers,terrorists,violent men, evil, etc." And if were going to talk about evil then "Americans" can be "evil" as well. How does one (Arabic people) feel about Americans discriminating against a number of races? its certainly not "good" or "right" but perhaps "evil"? Now unless America wants to be considered "evil" then some of America's individuals must stop being invertably racist or just racist in any matter before America is the "evil" one and any other race, culture, religion, considers themselves as the "good" one.

biancatigger said...
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cookie09 said...

I agree with Salaita’s description of America’s view of the world. Only I think that this saying does not only apply to Arabs. All people who are not American (white) and do live by the Christian way of life are viewed as “evil” and all white Christians are viewed as “good”. They can’t do anything wrong. They are perfect and if things are not done their way then they are wrong. The statement is true because after 911 all Arabs were classified as terrorist even though there were only a few. This is wrong but it occurs to all people. For instance, the book refers to all black people as criminals that want to steal and rape white women. This stereotype is not true for all African Americans. Americans should not be regarded as good; some of them have committed terrible crimes. Examples of these crimes are the colonization of North America. Americans killed off most of the Indians. Americans killed Africans and destroyed families. Americans have always colonized other places destroying the people’s way of life and looking down on the cultures. People that didn’t live the way whites wanted were murdered. Americans always tried to change people and to make them more American like when the people didn’t want to be change. Americans have always regarded themselves as a superior race and all other races are regarded as inferior races. This is wrong. I think that Salaita is very correct on America’s description of all Arabs as evil; because the government clearly makes it seem that all Arabs are terrorist. Evidence that supports this is Tom DeLays speech on Arabs being evil Bushes good vs. evil debate also supports this. There is no distinction made Arabs and terrorist, therefore they all put into one group. He is correct because no matter how many dreadful crimes Americans commit, they are always regarded as “good”. Everybody else is always “EVIL”

blue said...

"All Arabs are evil, including the elderly, the infants,and the incapacitated...All Americans are good including the White supremacists..."I disagree with Salaita on what he was saying I do not think the media always portrays Arabs being "evil" I think some people perceive it in the wrong way. When you from type Arab into a computer now a days you get things from the war "this many Arabs died," or, "this Arab commited a suicide bombing."

blue said...

"All Arabs are evil, including the elderly, the infants,and the incapacitated...All Americans are good including the White supremacists..."I disagree with Salaita on what he was saying I do not think the media always portrays Arabs being "evil" I think some people perceive it in the wrong way. When you from type Arab into a computer now a days you get things from the war "this many Arabs died," or, "this Arab commited a suicide bombing."

Anonymous said...

I dont believe that any race is good nor bad. I believe that every race has people that are good and that are bad but you cannot make a judgement on the whole race because of tht person. However most people in america believe that arabs are evil because of the way that are society portrays them makes them look bad. After nine eleven all that we see about the middle east is the americans are going over there trying to help them out and they respond with violence that kills lots of troops.The media does not tell how they are going over there and trying to change their way of life. So to us it looks like their are being ungratefull for the help we are trying to give them which makes them look evil but really it is the americans that are the ones that are evil but we just dont see it. In the book pages two through for are full of things that were told to the author that were unpleasent to hear,"Indians dont piss"pg 3 was one of the things that was told to him and a american said it to him. There is no race or culture that can be called do gooders or evil doers, you must go through and find the ones that could be classified as good or bad.

evil_e03 said...

To tell you the truth, that part of chapter one caused some controversy with me and i had no clue that this would be the topic on the blog.
But i do think that what Americans teach their children about all of them being good is wrong. this is mainly because i'm an american and i'm not good because believe me, i do bad things and there are white americans that do worse things than me. not all arabs are bad either. i can't speak as if i know them or know what's best for them (because then that would be showing compicit racism toward arabs), but i know that some if not most arabs try their hardest to fit in and assimilate the best way they can to America while they're living here. Their religion is different from ours, yeah, but so are other copious religion in the United States. their religion or their ancestors' place of birth shouldn't determine if they're evil or not. Good v. Evil shouldn't be determined by race mostly because i'm not all good and i'm american and there may be some arabs that are philanthropists and like to help out those in need because they feel bad for them. not all arabs are extremists and not all extremists are arabs...we do have some WHITE extremists in America. and where would the generalization that all Arabs are evil and all Americans are good put Arab-Americans? would they be stuck in the middle because their ancestors are arab but they've been in America for generations and they're living by and assimilating to American culture for generations as well. what would Arab-Americans be called? Should they be considered good and evil?

Unknown said...

I think that America has become a place where everything we do is right and just. Anything that is not "American" is not normal and in some way should be changed to what we believe,on page 37 of the book he states that "All Americans are good" and goes on to state that even those who are hateful in nature are. However, I don't feel that the world hates Arabs because I don't like to classify everyone under one meaning - in fact if I was to do that I would be doin exactly what Salaita is arguing against.

Mr.Blah Vlah Blah said...

I disagree with what Salaita says about Arabs..but the his reasoning is true...ever since 9-11 there the mindset that many Americans had were bad toward the Arab peoples race..when someone would see an Arab person they would right away assume that they are terrorist or just bad people...this is sad but again it is true...I then relate this to the movie Office Space, in the begining where the white man was rapping and then lowered the music when he saw the black man walking towards the car...its just how different types of races are portrayed by this case the Arab race, easpecially after 9-11...

yaR said...

I think that Salaita is not looking at it from both sides. Arabs are being looked upon as terriost because of the terriost act that was committed by Arabs. If you look at America's media, then you will defiantly see some hatred towards Arabs because of 9/11. Salaita dosen't really understand that many innocent Americans were killed during the attack, and for him not to think that Americans should not have hatred toward them is wrong. I will admit that we can be a little harsh with the hatred. When Bush said, " We will rid the world of the evil-doers." he was a little to agressive, but for Salaita to think that Americans should just bascially forget about it is just as bad.

Unknown said...

I disagree with author Steven Salaita because Arabs are not always portrayed as "evil" and Americans as "good." In the CNN article "Bush vows to rid the world of 'evil doers,'" which was posted 5 days after the infamous September 11 attack, according to editor Manuel Perez-Rivas, Bush stated, "The governers and mayors are alert that evil folks still lurk out there. As I said yesterday, people have declared war on America and they have made a terrible mistake." Seeing how Bush is an American, his views towards Arabs is portrayed as people. In fact he doesn't even mention who is responsible for declaring war on America, he just describes them as people, thus being taken as anyone with whatever background they possess. Bush also mentioned, "...working to build an international coalition to fight terrorism and nations that support it." Nowhere does he mention any nations' names, which leads to unlabeling any inhabitants of any nation as terrorists.

Mrz.Radcliffe said...

i beileve that this is very true and can certainly be extended to other races as well. one thing i find myself doing is trying to relate the phlight of african-Americans to that of the Arabs. Salita also does this occasionally but they are related only on so many levels. I think that white america justifies anything out side of them as evil and i also beileve that america as a whole, beileves that anything that goes against what they stand for is evil. One quote that stood out to me from the book was located on page 44 and it stated, "When considering the pervasiveness of the good v. evil debate in the u.s., i am always reminded of Bush's frequent invocation of God to help him destroy the evil in the worl;' i find this intringuing becuase i thought that when the arabs terrorized america on sept. 11 they were acting through god. so how is what bush is doing any different from the terrorists. it is basically a two way street. american tries to repel evil and at the same time engages in "evil" activities.

sacrdhazldiva said...

Okay I think Salaitia is unfair for that statement, but I do understand his reasoning for it. At first I was like no thats not right but when I read the article Mr. Pond views started to change. But we as a people have to be open-minded with situations like this because President Bush made that statement about evil referring to the terrorists at the time....whom made that name for themselves. Everyone doesn't feel like that, because I know I don't feel that way.
To say that Americans are portrayed as being the "good" or perfect....that can't be true at all because I know the citizens overseas see us a evil men right now because we're destroying their homes and families. Our military is not portraying us as being good right now in any shape or form.

rae said...

I think that the stereotype that all Americans are "good" and that all Arabs are "evil" is totally wrong because there are a lot of bad people that live in America and there are good people that happen to be Arab.For example, the person that killed Martin Luther King,Jr. was a White American and he was terrible for killing Dr. King. It also isn't right to put all Arabs in the "evil" category because we shouldn't make all of the Arabs suffer for the dangerous things that only a few did. These stereotypes are poisoning childrens' minds by telling that all Arabs are evil in these textbooks that they have in school.Those kids are thinking that whatever is said in these textbooks must be true in real life.

mz.misunderstood said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mz.misunderstood said...

After reading this chapter, I feel that Arabs are judged base on what happened on 9/11. I think that all Arabs aren’t evil and that all Americans aren’t good. In a news article posted days after 9/11 it was stated, “On Sunday, the president again said the prime suspect in the attacks is Osama bin Laden, the exiled Saudi multimillionaire who is believed to be responsible for a series of terrorist attacks against the U.S. in recent years through his al Qaeda organization.” Even though Bush believes that Osama was responsible for this he shouldn’t judge all Arabs based on it. He also says, “We will rid the world of the evil-doers”, which obviously infers that Bush is turning his back on all Arabs.
I also argue with Kelsey. I feel that no one can base their judgment on a country as good or bad because of something one group of people did. The country has many more people and obviously all of them aren’t the same. I understand why they portray Arabs as evil based on some of the things they have done but it still isn’t right to judge people like that. I don’t feel a country should be judged as whole because then you make the good people look bad or the bad people look good.

KING YC said...

First and foremost you cant describe a group or race as good or evil because everyone in that certain group isn't good and some aren't evil. I would describe both as neither. Arabs are evil for the terroist attacks but just those who are envolved in that. Americans are evil when they post "fliers that warned residents that extremists with connections to terrorists might worship in the proposed mosque"(pg.33) or when Americans create commercials where an Arab appears everytime the word terrorist is spoken(pg. 34). But I cant blame the Americans for the way they reacted after 9/11 but I can blame them for stereotyping the whole Arab and Muslim race as terrorist. Therefore Americans aren't just good and only good. Arabs aren't evil and just evil. It's an incorrect term to describe the two(Americans and Arabs).

jimmylee said...

Salaita states "among fourth to sixth-grade Jewish children at a school in Haifa "seventy five percent... described the 'Arab' as a murderer, one who kidnaps children, a criminal and a terrorist"." This shows that America is not the only country that views Arabs as evil. But, we are the country that makes millions of others suffer from racist attacks because of some of people of their same background that decided to attack our nation on 9/11. However, why should we blame all Arab people for the mistakes of others? I personally don't think we should because our country has gone through the many phases of racism and I think its time to let it go.

jcy_c0utur3 said...

Ok, i agree with Salaita only because thats how ignornant Americans/society look at the situation. They see themselves as "good", and they see Arabs as "evil". First off good and evil are simply characteristics portrayed in individuals, it isnt something that is just in your bloodline, or that you can detertmine by asking someones religion, or by looking at their history because just like there are some crazy Arabs in the world, theres some even crazier Americans. We got Arabs running planes into buildings but we also got Americans shooting up people in Lane Bryant, and going on killing sprees at our colleges. So does that label Americans as evil- doers?

Anonymous said...

First of all, no one can classify a race as being good or evil because every race in the world has people with different personalities who do good and evil things at times. Both Americans and people from the Middle East have people who do bad things and people who do good things. "In the two years following 9/11, the number of Arab and Muslim defendfants rose 9.3 per cent while the prosecution of no-Arabs dropped 6.7 per cent." This is an example of Americas use of stereotypical evil. Terrorism in America and in the Middle East from people of the Arab race is an example of Arabs doing evil. But the Arab doctors, lawyers,engineers etc. are exmples of Arabs doing good to set a better example of what is being showed in the media and what is being crammed into our heads by stereotypes.

Jay said...

Americans are often to be thought as the good and the Arabs as the bad. It's nothing new and since 9/11 things have only became worse. Other Arab Americans should not be let accountable for the actions of others. I feel as though if a white person would have committed a crime the whole race wil not be discrimnated against. The way Bush speaks about Arabs in the article is horrible, he tries to make all Americans dislike Arabs. He says "evil folks still lurk out there." What evil folks, him making this statement will want all Americans to hate them because of the fact he is the President. I don't feel as though Americans are good otr Arabs are evil. Both races have done both good and bad things over there time but Bush tried to make whites better then Arabs saying that "evil folks still lurk out there"

SupaStar "Mi Xue" said...

I agree with Salaita that America’s view of the world as good vs. evil, because even today America wants you to believe that every thing it does is good, such as enter war with Iraq, and everything and everybody else is bad, such as Iraqi who fight against the American soldiers. America gives different races and nationalities, I guess you can say, one chance. Although Arabs were talked about long before the 9/11 incident, when 9/11 happened that was it for America chance of every accepting Arabs, as said on page 39 “Arabs are evil. Not the majority of Arabs. Not some Arabs. Not a minority of Arabs. All Arabs are evil....”When other countries or other “non-Americans” do something to America, no matter if it’s not trading their countries oil or constructing a terrorist attack on America infrastructure, they automatically become the enemy. They automatically become evil. I would say that America follows the saying it’s better to be safe than sorry, safe by accusing so many as being evil then not accusing so many to later find out that several are. America also portrays itself as good by being the first to point the finger so that no finger can point at them. For instance on page 41, when Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay gave a speech and all through out the speech he “used the word evil twenty times to describe the Arab World...” When you have such figures as DeLay calling Arabs terrorist many will believe what he is saying because of his status.
Overall, America, nicknamed the “world’s police” is always portrayed as good. Why? Because we have money, because our country is the land of the free, or maybe because America is a bully and if we are not labeled as good then off to war with u we shall go.

Anonymous said...

In his book Salatia says that it the news stations in America that are portrying the Arabs as this "evil" figure. I totally agree with him and this statement. We aren't in Iraq ( or the middle east period) so we have nothing to go off of other than what the people on the news are telling us. I feel as if the news does that in many ways. People have this misconception that "because its on the new it must be true" and because of this they fail to do their own research. In all actuality, the news can easily be used as a "manipulating" mechanisim ( for lack of better words. They can broadcast only what they want us to hear/ believe. Doesn't this make America look like the "evil-doer"? I think so. This portrays America as liars to ther people.

doss802 said...

I think to a certain extent Salatia is being very truthful. Of course America is going to betray themselves as good as stated on pg.40 of this book "...enemies being anybody who might prove an impediment to the United States' appetie for foreign resources--as evil is fundamentally a part of the American vocabulary" they have to, to justify their actions. Although I understand his comments in the text if he's going to criticize people on their sensitivity to the Arabian culture he must do the same. The word American is too broad a term because African Americans or Latin American(see page 40 as well) have been reffered to as evil, are they not Americans?

Dance_0310 said...

I agree with salaita's statement because it is very clear in every ones fances for them to see that the world has turned against Arabs every since the 9/11 issue. All because of one person, Osama Bin ladin and possibly sadam hussein, all the Arabs have to suffer the dehumanization from everyone and everything. "...Arabs are evil because they are terrorists and because, based on their religion..." It seems as though they are being blamed for their religion they were born with. I dont find that situation right at all!!!

Dance_0310 said...

I agree with salaita's statement because it is very clear in every ones fances for them to see that the world has turned against Arabs every since the 9/11 issue. All because of one person, Osama Bin ladin and possibly sadam hussein, all the Arabs have to suffer the dehumanization from everyone and everything. "...Arabs are evil because they are terrorists and because, based on their religion..." It seems as though they are being blamed for their religion they were born with. I dont find that situation right at all!!!

hi. my name is what yours isn't. said...

From experience, I agree and disagree. During 9-11, we were all evil/anti-god or something. Islam is a monotheism which, to my understanding, is the same as most of the other religions and I'm also kind of certain it is the same god but different language. Sometimes in math or history we learn that Arabs came up with different things and it makes them look good. But because one man and his group of (in my opinion) idiots, blew up some buildings, most of America hates Arabs. Arabs are portrayed as evil. In a recent film, Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay, an elderly woman sees one of them as a terrorist, due to his appearance and that is most of the time how it is but maybe not as funny or intense. Also, America is labeled as good guys. I'm not saying they are bad but they do kill plenty of innocents. American news doesn't show the bad stuff, but Arabic news shows very intense graphics that would be labeled "R" in America. So yes, I do agree. There are also PLENTY of conspicacies / rumors pointing the finger of 9-11 at George Bush saying he did it but that isn't relevant.

jp_2010 said...

I have to agree with the American views that Salaita describes, Arabs are always seen as "evil" and the Americans as "good." Americans, I believe, are perceived as good because of how powerful this country is and our wealth. History also plays a role in us being "good" such as the wars we've been in to help other countries succeed."The word 'Arab' to some people in synonymous with the word 'terrorist', implying that all Arabs are terrorists." I agree with this quote from the book, non-Arab people usually think that all Arabs are terrorists, this is due to the attacks of 9/11, that's why there's more racism towards Arabs than ever before.

Eddie said...

In most wars the United States have been and are always portrayed as the "good guy" and whoever the US is against is the "evil". Yes after 9/11 American have more of a fear on Arabs but the Middle East has more of a fear of Americans, because american critize them for the blame of 9/11. Nowadays when people think of terrorism people think of the middle east. But its never the "US" as a terrorist or as the "Bad Guys". Page 40, when Salaita says "Evil of course means Arab." That shows alot critizism to arab that their considered "evil".

biancatigger said...

I agree because of course America is always "the good guy". (Yeah right). We are always portrayed that way. Our reasons behind going to Iraq don't even make sense any more. We are "helping" them out when they want us out of there. Same goes with the Arabs and America. We are the good guys and all of a sudden they are the bad guys just because of 9/11. All races and cultures have their black sheep so why should we punish the entire group of people?? Bush says that we have to rid our selves of evil-doers when we are the doing the same thing but just making it seem like we are the good guys. Many people began to stereotype after 9/11 and began to fear Arabs when it made no sense that an entire group of people who share the same background are all going to be terrorist. In the novel, Salaita claims that the news helps portray the country as the good guys while Arabs are portrayed as the bad guys, which is completely true. Like Salaita said, Fox news and other right winged stations also portray this message. It’s a shame that we are always shown the "good" that we do but of course we can not be the bad guys. Doesn’t it make us bad by lying or even portraying Arabs as if they were all bad? Like I said before, everyone has their black sheep. We have horrible people in this country too but that doesn’t make every American a horrible person.

mimi said...

Becasue the media has portrayed Arabs as evil, I got the impression that they were. Min. after the World Trade attacks there were mob attacks against the Muslim. The innocent are being blamed and its our fault. One article I read “Our nation must be mindful that there are thousands of Arab Americans who live in New York City, who love their flag… and we must be mindful that as we seek to win the war that we treat Arab Americans and Muslims with the respect they deserve,” said President George Bush. If this is the case then why are we at war and why is he sending us mixed signals at how bad the Arabs are acting? Books and movies do give us the impression that Arabs are evil by the fact they are all portrayed as terrorists.

Unknown said...

Before I post I wanted to give Beatmasta some props for his point on the children's books realization that he came to. I would have never thought about that if he hadn't have pointed that out. As for the question. I think that it is true that this is how the world as a whole views both sides. Since 9/11, Arabs have been viewed as "the evil ones". No matter if they had absolutely nothing to do with the attack on the Trade Center, they were viewed as such. I have to admit, before the attack I really had no knowledge of Arabs. I was so young at the time. But after the attack it seemed that everywhere I had turned I seen a Arab and after I had seen everyone acting so cautious and paranoid I did begin to look at Arabs as a threat. But just because I contributed to this racism doesn't make it right. To touch on the "America: The Good" subject, almost everyone (who are not affected by us directly) look at us as good. I was reading an article by a Canadian News Reporter and he said "This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth.
Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts." I found this so funny, because almost everytime America is praised it's because of the money we have or the money we give. There is nothing else that we can contribute and that is the only reason why we are ever looked at as "good".

BrittanyP said...

In my opinion America is a society based on Good VS Evil. Most conflicts in novels or movies are in fact Good Vs Evil. “Only fools make such arguments because anybody can find evidence of violence in any human doctrine that has actually been utilized by humans.” Page 48.This quote most likely means anybody can be evil, and its very much racist to target one race. As a matter of fact if Arabs are considered evil, then America should be considered Evil as well. America is a contradicting society, so quick to judge others, for the same actions we do. I disagree with the statement that Arabs are ‘evil’, just because some Arabs do inhuman like things, doesn’t make all Arabs evil.

Phoenix said...

Salaita believes Americas views on what is good and what is evil are based on religion and race. Therefore Arabs are evil. I do not believe that all of America is that judegmental or biased. In fact, I believe that America just doesn't care. At any rate, this blog is proof that at least a few young Americans can look beyond the 'Arab' stereotype.

School Inequality said...

I believe that what Salaita states is true. Although Americans aren't good they are perceived as that. Like Kelsey stated "Arabs are evil because they are all terrorists and because, based on their religion...". Just because one or two arabs make a mistake doesn't men that all arabs are bad. Majority of americans are not good, they make bad decisions and base their decisions on other people's life.

mz_lala said...

I think that this is a wrong statement that Arabs are viewed as "evil" because this is the typical "American" view of Arabs.This is also an ignorant state of mind because just all Americans are not "good" and all Arabs are "evil". The simple fact that americans can say this makes this stereotype become switched.

Wayne's Gurl said...

The fact that Americans are portrayed as good and Arabs are portrayed as evil really disturbs me. I mean there were certain people that committed 9/11. Not all Arabs. NO one tries to figure out why the 9/11 terrorists did what they did. it was a reaction to something that Americans did to them in the past. But because Americans had so many people trying to save lives, and because we were attacked, we automatically get labeled do-gooders. In the link that was given to us, someone earlier quoted a part that i wanted to also, when Bush says “the evil doers are still lurking". That goes along with what the author says about racism being underrated. It has become so underrated that Americans are becoming complacent with it. They think its okay to bash Arabs because everyone else does it and because they feel that because they were attacked they have the right to attack back with latent racism.

EbonyEnlightment said...

.Americans - correction Europeans in america always try to paint a positive picture of themdselves to deviate from the comples moral issues and divisions amoong americans. Salita quoted an euro-centric stating "Arabs lives 'normal' lives, just to deceice americans when they really hate us and secretly plan to take over.." Is this comic strip? who uses that kind of diction. Whats so ironic about that situations is that in america as far as im aware americans have been tha suicide bombers, terrosits, and serial murders who lived as the 'perfect neighbor next door"

Myzz. Slick said...

I believe that Salatia has godd reasoning for saying that the world has a good vs. evil view,being that Arabs are evil and Americans are good. I also believe that this is true Americans show clear racism towards Arabs. Salatia says "...Arabs are terriost..." this ais very ignorant for Americans to say. just because of the 9/11 attacks Americans believe that all Arabs are terroist and they blame them for the disater. i find this to be very close-minded of them.