Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome to a New Year, New Blog

Hi All,

Welcome to our blog. Here's what I'd like us to do for our first post.

First read the article "Who We Are Now" by John Meacham, columnist and editor for Newsweek magazine. He wrote the article in the wake of Obama's inauguration in 2009. After reading, I'd like for you to address at least one of the following questions:

1. Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond?
2. Will whites be punished in some form when they become the minority in the U.S. future?
3. Are there any dangers for a post-white majority in America?

To earn full credit you will need to address at least one question and provide at least one reference to the reading (include page numbers). Additionally, posts must be thoughtful and spell-checked (one-two sentence responses will not be scored). Please reply with your first name and last initial along with your period #. Feel free to add to the discussion by posing new questions or engaging in thoughtful debate with your classmates.

I look forward to your responses.

Mr. Pond


LaDonna R. said...

I think race will matter to the new minority (white people) in 2050 because it will be an over-whelming experience. According to the packet, the United States population will increase to 438 million in 2050, and only 42% of the country will be from whites. They might have a problem with the amount of immigrants coming in so since there's an increase in the number of "minorities" race maybe the topic of issues white people have in the United States.

Edwenna_Berry said...
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Edwenna_Berry said...

1. When immigration first started with the Irish and the Poles "we", the people of the 1900's, had a huge problem with it. This caused a lot of laws to be put into effect against immigration and the number of people who could come into the US. If it happened then it will happen again. I think this will be a huge topic because so many people are coming in and suddenly the whole "they are taking jobs" thing may come into effect once again.

The packet states "Will the journey be smooth? That is doubtful. Politics can quickly turn mean. In hard economic times there is often a search for an "other" on which to blame the problems of life." (pg. 42) With so many immigrants possibly taking over in 2050 there may be riots and a lot of differences coming into effect and there might even be nationalism going on because the immigrants will start to think, as the whites did, we are what makes America America. SO yes race will definitely matter in 2050

Edwenna B. , 2nd Period

McKenzie C said...

McKenzie Cooper, Period 2
Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond?
I believe race will still matter. Back in hostory race mattered because it was used to distinguish Blacks from Whites. It was used to say one was higher than the other in society. In this article the last 2 pages were used to share statistics about President Obamas presidency and what citizens thought about it. In one poll, 66 percent of citizens who took a poll said they were optimistic to President Obama being able to change US Government. This showing that race today still matters in a simillar way that it did back in history. When President Obama was elected many African Americans were proud because the president was black, but we shoudn't be happy because of his race, but because he was a president ready to lead. I belive that race wll still matter as years go on, its just it will have a different meaning and a different reason for mattering.

Nicole Smith said...
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Nicole Smith said...

“Race is a social invention used to classify people”. I believe race has been used so much to classify people that it is deeply rooted in society. We look back in history for example 1619 when the first African American slaves arrived in Jamestown Virginia. These blacks were not classified by there personalities they were classified and treated differently because of there race and what they were know for.
Race is defined by people. According to page 39 “We the people of 2009 are not the, we the People of 1959 or 1969 or even 1979”. So of course the way we view race is different, but we can look back on all these years and see that race has played some significant role in society. For example after the 9/11 terror attack people began to classify Arabs as terrorist. They were not classified as this before until society called them this. I feel as long as there are differences between people. Race will always matter, it may be defined differently since the number of ethnicities and mixed race people have increase in the United States but it will always matter. “Racism will always be with us” (page 40) and I it will in years of 2050 and beyond.
Nicole S. Period 4

Ce'Erra Patton said...

I personally believe that race will always matter. In the text it states "We have not yet reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism, and nativism will be always with us" (page 40). Race has been in our history for a length of time to classify people and their oppurtunities; therfore, it will be extremely difficult to change that.
By looking at the statistics on page 70 there is a rise in "today's foreign born" which exhibits how more diverse we have become. The more diverse we become it is more than likely that one will be out numbered in population. According to page 42 " in hard economic times there is often a search for an "other" on which to blame the problems of life. By stating this race will always matter because America has always faced some economic problem and they will continue in 2050 and beyond.
-Ce'Erra P. pd.4

Janae M. said...

1. Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond?

Yes, I do think race will matter in the year 2050 and beyond. Ever since the word race has been created it has developed and has taken a new meaning each generation. “The experiences of the younger generation --- now voting and beginning their adult lives--- are not the experiences of their parents or their grandparents” (p,42). When compared to my grandmother’s generation, in my generation race I believe has less of a meaning in society than it did before. In the text it said “’we’ is getting ever trickier to define in terms of race ethnicity and religion. We the people of 2009 are not the We the people of 1959 or 1969 or even 1979.”(p.39). To me this quote is saying that as each generation goes by the idea of race is changing. So to answer the question I think that the race we know today will not matter in the year 2050, like in the text it says “Every generation is shaped by unique forces,” so as each generation goes the word race will be developed and will take on different meanings as time goes by.
(Janae M. 2nd Period)

Eduardo A. said...

In 2050, the ideology of "race" will still be around; however, it will be a lot less significant than it is today. In the reading it states: “tension between assimilation and separation is eternal, but there is no doubt that this flood of immigration and the breaking down of barriers…has created a much more fluid culture than previous generations” (41). I believe that to the people “race” has been important because of the lack of knowledge of other cultures. In each new generation “race” is mattering less and less than in previous generations because of the exposure to other cultures brought by immigration as well as school courses like World History, Urban Studies, and other related courses. After all, “Our beautiful America was built by a nation of strangers…from a hundred different places or more, joining and blending into one mighty and irresistible tide” (39). In history, rarely is it heard how different cultures and people have affected the development of the United States. This is a flaw in our education system; history is taught to us through one perspective when history has always had two perspectives. We must be able to understand both sides in order to truly understand history. That is why I believe that the more history we know the less likely we are to make the same mistakes and the more sympathetic and understanding we are to other people. Another reason why “race” will be less important is because of the acceptance of interracial marriages which have increased from “54% in 1995 to 80% today” (41). With the mixing of cultures and the assimilation of the younger generation, there will be fewer obstacles that create conflicts between “races”. Eventually, I believe race itself will become history but change is difficult and will take time. The more educated we are, the faster change will come and the less “race” will matter.

Eduardo A. Period: 2

Shereen Awir said...

I think race will matter in 2050 because of two things. One is that race has always been a big issue in America because of our history. The other is that there will be a big change in America in 2050. Of course problems will arise(because whites will then be the minority), however as Meacham said " the younger you are, the more assimilated you are with this new tapestry of daily life. Therefore, I think the transition will not be extremely rough because there will be new generations of people born who aren't used to anything else.
Overall, I feel as though race will matter. It will, always matter. However, it will matter less to new generations, which is more important, because they are the future.
Shereen Awir
Period 2

Maliaka J said...

I believe there are some dangers for a post-white majority in America. As mentioned in the “Who We Are Now” article page 70, around 2050 Hispanics are to make up 29% of the post-white majority. If Hispanics become the “majority minority”, I feel eventually there will be requirements to learn and speak Spanish in the United States. Many jobs might establish requirements to speak Spanish in order for employment. This may cause outrage for the other minorities who might feel having to learn Spanish is a burden and unfair. Those minorities might feel that they should be allowed to speak their native language if the Hispanics get to do so. This would lead to major debates and possible dangerous uproars on what America’s ‘new’ language will be.

~Maliaka J. Period 04~

Anonymous said...

Abel. L 2nd Period

Will race matter in the year 2050?
Personally I believe that race will matter in the year 2050, but it will not be because our lack of equality but it will be because equality is already a part of us socially and hence will never be erased from us despite our strides in civil rights. This is best exemplified in page 3 when Meacham states "Closer to home, public approval of interracial marriages (like the one between Obama's parents) has risen significantly in the past decade, from 54 percent in 1995 to 80 percent today." (Meacham 3). Our strides in civil rights will do many things to race to the point of almost eliminating it but it will not, at least in the United States because race is already so embedded in our culture. Regardless a it is good that race is still important because it keeps the numerous cultures alive and brings variety to politics and to our society.

Mr. P said...

Hi all,

First let me commend you for the thoughtful comments so far (although please spell check and proofread before posting!).

You all have given me much to think about and I'd like to pose some follow-up questions to your posts. Edwenna suggested we may see riots in our future due to immigration fears along with a rise in nationalism. Good point, although I wonder if we'd see more nativism than nationalism. And then thinking about this in context with Maliaka's comment about the potential for a new Latino "majority minority"--would we suddenly become a Spanish speaking nation...this is an interesting notion and even today it has been driving political fears in Congress to consider making English the official language of the U.S.

But is the big issue really race...or is it class that truly divides us? I wonder if the gap between super-rich and middle class/poor will continue to grow to the point that people of all colors unite. or perhaps the opposite could occur and the different "races" fight for the scraps left over from the wealthiest Americans...

Janae M. said...

I don't think that the increase of the number of immigrants will cause riots or nationalism within groups. I think that because race will continue to take on a different meaning as time goes on there would be no need for riots or an increase in nationalism. If race continues to matter less and less the United States would just become more of a multicultural nation.
Janae M. 2nd Period

Diamond Frison said...

As we discussed in class, race is a socially created institution where an individual's physical appearance is used to judge them. The main indicator of race is skin color, and according to the Newsweek article "Who We Are Now", "...biographer Taylor Branch once wrote, 'color has defined American life as it defines vision itself.' (p. 40)

Since color has defined American life and society so heavily in the past, I do believe that race will still matter in 2050 for U.S. citizens, and even beyond then. The idea of our "race" making us so different has been so ingrained in our collective culture for so long that it will take generations to remove permanently. Luckily, with each passing generation, we as Americans are closer to redefining how we see each other in terms of race, culture, and ethnicity. It's all a matter of time.

Will whites be punished in some form when they become the minority in the U.S. future? No, that's slightly ridiculous. Of course it's silly to think that minorities will forget the hardships they've endured because of racist whites in the past, but I don't think that the citizens of the future white-minority America will resort to "punishment" because ethnic and racial relations will only continue to gradually improve.

d.hawkins7 said...

Will race matter in the year 2050? I believe that race will matter, still, to everyone in that year and beyond. Although whites will become the new minority, with a 47% population, race will still be a factor. Since race is so deeply rooted in our social society, it will stick to us, generation after generation. "The younger cohort is more diverse than the general population, more female, more secular, less socially conservative and more willing to describe themselves as liberals (p.42)". That may be true, but no matter how open-minded the new generations are, they will still see race as a dividing factor. Whites may be the new minority and old immigrants the new majority, but it does not change the way race is seen. The hierarchy may be flipped where as whites are socially below the new majority as whites are socially above them now. "We the people of 2009 are not the the We the People of 1959 or 1969 or even 1979 (p.39)" and we will not be the same people in 2050.

jasmine_chantay said...

1. Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond?

I think that race will always matter in American society, it has been a part of America for a very long time and it will continue to be. As Jon Meacham states on page 40, “We have not reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism and nativism will always be with us ” I believe this is true because minorities have come a long way in America, and still get treated unfairly. The concept of race began during the times of slavery and is still a major obstacle for African- Americans and other minorities to overcome. You would think that by electing an African-American as President, racism would decrease and race would not matter. But even he is called racial slurs by other politicians. This shows that no matter how hard minorities try to be treated equally, we are still looked down upon. I think the promised land of race being irrelevant is further than 2050.
A quote used by Meacham was that of Taylor Branch “Ever since, color has defined American life as it defines vision itself” (40) Branch is referring to 1619 when the first slaves came to Jamestown. Color does define America today and will continue to, because so many people judge others based upon the color of their skin.
-Jasmine F. Period 4

shanice willis said...

Shanice Willis PD2
Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond?

I think that race will matter in 2050 and beyond. In the past, it is clear that race has had an effect on many ethnicities. On page 40, it states, “We have not reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism and nativism will always be with us.” Many people look at race as being the color of someone’s skin. While others may think of race as being more social than physical appearance. No matter how someone defines race, it still divides and seperates the human race, and I think race will always matter

Veronica said...

Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond? Race will definitely matter in the year 2050 and most of the years after that for that matter. Racism is still one of America's main problems and issues today very much so and is no where near over. There are so many census's, tests and polls that ask for the race of the participant but why? Should it matter? In a lot of peoples eyes, it does. Many statistics are broken down by race because stereotypes say false things about people of different races such as "all Arabs are terrorists" or "all Black people have full lips." This has been said for decades now which gets to the point that racist issues are not going anywhere anytime soon. Even though whites are supposed to be the minority, the world will still revolve around them because of the way social society is set up.

(Veronica S. Period 2)

jamaal (james) said...
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jamaal (james) said...
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Danielle Patrick said...

Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond?
Honestly, I think race will always be a factor in society because the world is changing so rapidly. In the text it states: "82 percent (of the increase in 2050) will be attributable to immigrants arriving after 2005 and their descendants." America is not how it was fifty years ago, but one thing that will remain is the difference people see in skin color. Even with the passing of the McCarran-Walter Act, allowing anyone to become a citizen, the fact that whites will soon be the minority is probably the most single factor that makes race still matter. The reason being is that whites have been in control and the majority for so long that they won't stand for being the minority. Race will matter in the years to come because the status-quo of America is changing and not everyone will be willing or able to accept it as is.
- Danielle P., 2nd Period

jamaal (james) said...

i do believe that race will matter in the year 2050 because its something that has always separated people within the United may not matter as much but, everyone will never be seen as the same. there will always be a black /white imagery. due to history race will always put placement among a human and until it is so far gone everyone will always know who was once on top and who was at the bottom, we will always see what oppression we can apply to others. the packet talks about the increase of immigrants.When another group become the majority power rules and makes a new minority. “We have not reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism and nativism will always be with us ”pg 40

AMNI said...

Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond?

As stated in class, race is a culturally fabricated ideal in which physical traits (skin color, eye color, and hair color) are used to classify an individual.

I believe race will matter in 2050 and beyond simply because this what we, as citizens of the world, have become accustomed to. Race is used as a mechanism to classify humans and socially define who we are, from the clothes we wear to areas we live inhabit, to politics. Such is evident here in Chicago. We subconsciously segregate ourselves amongst unspoken boundaries whereas Hispanics will typically live in areas where there race is dominant and Blacks will move to areas where we are mostly located because "color has defined American life as it defines vision itself" (pg 40).

Another case in which race defined America was the election of 2009. Minorities adamantly supported Obama during the election, but in my opinion, it was simply based of the color of his skin, not necessarily his qualifications and suitability to be a good president.

Even now, the general public does not look past the color of his skin. Its always "only in my country is there a black president" or in negative terms, those who simply dislike him based off his skin color. This seems to overshadow real political issues. So with all this being said, race will continue to matter because America has not moved forward, no real barriers have been broken. We are incarcerated by a flawed social ideal because most of how the country operates is sub/consciously based upon one's skin color and not what really should be focused on.

Cre' Williams said...

Cre' W. Pd_4th Question #1
I think race will matter in 2050, because ""we" is getting trickier to define in terms of race, ethnicity, and religion" (39). In the pacet it had stated, "We have not reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism, and navitism will be always with us" (40). Therefore, America has made changes and has not been the same since the 1960s where race once mattered. I believe this, because according to the packet interracial marriages had been approved. Statistics show that "interracial marriages has risen significantly...from 54 percent in 1995 to 80 percent today" (40). This will make race matter then, because in some interracial marriages a spouse might live in another country. Possivbly that spouse will have to move to the U.S. As stated in the packet, "U.S. population will rise from 296 million in 2005 to 438 million in 2050...82 percent of the increases will be attributable to immigrants arriving after 2005...By that point, whites may make up only 47 percent of the country, ending centuries of a majority-white America" (42). In the future I find that there will be issues between all races.

JorDyne' Jackson said...

I believe that race will always matter. Although in the year 2050 I don't think that it will be as relevant as it is now, or has been in the past. "The percentage of Americans who say they know a mixed-race couple has risen from 58 to 79 percent since 1995" (Meacham 42). This goes to show how our generation does not look at race as a major factor, and that people are more accepting now. But there will always be some people who still look at race as something that separates us, which is why race will always matter eventhough it should not matter at all.
JorDyne' J. pd. 4

srodriguez said...

Will whites be punished in some form when they become the minority in the US future?

In the future, whites will not have to endure some kind of punishment where they'll be tortured by the government or something. The only punishment whites will have to suffer would be having to re-assimiliate back into the "American" culture. Somewhat similar to what the immigrants of the early 1900s had to go through. Although this country isn't all that strange and foreign to them, the culture and languages will be. According to the "Stirring the Pot" page, in 2005, whites were 67% of the population. In 2050, they will be less than half of the population. I also believe that whites will also have to suffer having the jobs that the immigrants have today; the jobs that nobody else wants. The majority will take over and history will repeat itself. But this time, the other way around; whites being inferior.

This video is of a Colombian comedian, John Leguizamo, who pokes fun at the white people on their thoughts of immigration and deportation. Some of it is irrelevant but most of it isn't. Enjoy. (:

Elena Ortega said...

I do believe race will matter in 2050 and beyond. It always has. The reading states, "We have not reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism, and nativism will always be with us." Not caring, or letting race matter isn't something that can change from one day to the next. It will matter more in the future since by 2050 82% of the increase will attribute to immigrants, and whites may make-up only 47% of the country. That will definitely be an issue for the new minority. Majority of them will have a problem with the amount of immigrants coming to the United States. Race will always matter, and people aren't always going to be okay with it.
- Elena O. Pd. 4

Ms. Mittithyah Harris said...
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Elena Ortega said...

I believe race will always matter, especially since it always has. The reading states, "We have not yet reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism, and nativism will be always with us." We haven't gotten to the point where race won't matter. It will especially matter to the new minority since in 2050 82% of the increase will attribute to immigrants while whites may make-up only 47% of the country. One can definitely see problems rising because of that. There are many people out of that percentage that just won't accept it, they will not be okay with it. Things are changing, and they will continue to change. People are just going to have to accept it.
- Elena O. Pd. 4

Ms. Mittithyah Harris said...
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Ms. Mittithyah Harris said...

I think race will still matter in the year 2050 because race has been instilled in American culture, even though I highly doubt it will be as important as it has been in the past. I do not think whites will be punished in the future because they might still be the superpower in America even if they aren't the majority, they might still own most of the buisnesses. I think there will be a huge conflict of ethics and maybe religion in a post-white America, I am not sure how that will effect American society.

Anonymous said...

Isaac O. 2nd Period

2. Will whites be punished in some form when they become the minority in the U.S. future?

It is doubtful that white people will be punished when they become the minority. From the political perspective, I think we're a little more professional than that, especially now that racial equality is progressing with Barack Obama as president. However, that does not stop parts of our society to ridicule the once dominant white people. As the author, Jon Meacham, puts it, "in hard economic times there is often a search for an 'other' on which to blame the problems of life. In the wake of a possible terrorist attack, fear could easily lead to tension, resentment and discord . . . for all of our nativist fevers and periodic witch hunts, we tend . . . to do what is right." Although racial tensions are inevitable in the frustrations and struggles of society, America actually has a bright future for racial unity.

jordanw said...

I think race will matter in 2050 and beyond that year because race has been a major issue since the word was created to seperate blacks, whites, hipanics and other nationalities. Race becomes a bigger issue as the years go by and the new generations begin. The text states "We have not reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism and nativism will always be with us"(pg 40). This shows that race is a important issue that will never be erased or forgot about because it has been around in history for so long. In the polls on page 43 one poll shows how much of an increase each race will have by 2050 hispanics are shown to have the most growth by 2050. Because one race is growing faster than another other races will get angry and this will cause a major debate about race and immigrants because the minorities will take up most of the U.S.

Jordan W Pd 4th

Ayanna B. said...

Ayanna B.
Period 1
1. Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond?

By the year of 2050, I think that race in the U.S. will still matter. According to the article,"We have not reached the promise land which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism and nativism will be always with us."Though there may be larger amounts of indigenous people and/or minorities (that aren't really minorities anymore), there may still be a though in the back of whites or others minds that may say or think a thought that may put down another race, religion, ethnic background or amount of income. Though in the article it mentions how more and more the U.S. is becoming more diverse, the idea/belief that one "race" is better than the other may never fully disappear from the minds of people.

Trinston said...

I think that there are different ways one can look at this question. If the question asks whether whites will be punished legally, socially or physically then I would have to say no. By the year 2050, which is the expected year of minority to be the majority, people will be past the motives of racial redemption. I doubt laws will be made against Caucasian people or that they will be looked down upon as the “race to not be”, and violence won’t be tolerated against the majority of people. But if you’re asking if white people or Caucasians as a race will be punished then I agree. The fact or proclamation that if you have one percent of African blood in you then you’re black, should count for all other races outside of any Caucasian. With the rate of known mixed raced at 79 percent in 2009, by 2050 this should be percent should be near 100 percent if not over (page 42.) That means that more reproduction amongst mixed race couples will occur. Caucasian people won’t be considered Caucasian anymore; they’ll be considered whatever race they’re mixed with. Not to make this sound like clean blood being infected with a virus, but the Caucasian population will be “tainted” with other ethnicities. At some point Caucasians will got past the minority and into being obsolete in America and I think that white people will be punished in that way.

Trinston said...
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Eriean said...

2."Will whites be punished in some form when they become the minority in the U.S. future?"
I do not believe that whites will be punished in the future because I feel that our younger generations are way more tolerant of others. More and more young people are "mixing" with other races and as stated in the article, "...public approval of interracial marriages has risen significantly in the past decade, from 54 percent in 1995 to 80 percent today."(pg 41), shows that our view on race is changing. So when whites become a minority in the U.S., people will not punish them as long as they are open to the facts that they are no longer the majority and that white supremacy no longer exist. However, I do think that the younger generation that have been raised by white supremacists and the older generations that refuse to change their views on race, will feel threatened because they will expect to be punished since they would probably punish if the roles were switched. Fortunately, I think that, while the ways of the past will be on our minds, we will be able to look past them and accept whites as an minority with no consequences what so ever. -Eriean H. Per.2

Eriean said...

I meant to say "with no major consequences what so ever."

KhadijahH said...

Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond? Yes, i do think race will still matter to the majority of people in the United States. As generations get older the importance of race will slowly diminish but not completely. In the article it states "We have not reached the promise land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism and nativism will always be with us." I think this statement is true. We haven't reached the point where race doesn't matter because of history. The word race has been around so long people are used to is and think that it is just another part of life. Future generations need to realize the origins of this word in order to try and change how we (The United States) think of others.
The only dangers of a post white america that i can think of is the treatment of whites. Because black people had to go through the period of being dehumanized and the socially created word "race" was used to distinguish them, I think when White people become the majority the word will continue to be used against them. People may tap into those old emotions of how their ancestors were treated as slaves and do the same to white people or similar.

Bleonard3290 said...

Racism Will STill Exist in the Year 2050!

Yes, I do think that racism will continue to be a factor in the year 2050. However, there may be a ratio change in colored people to white people, though. In the year 2050, there may be more of the minorities in the United States and less of the majorities. That however does not mean that there will be less racism in the world. According to the article, p. 40, "Racism will always be with us...". Having more colored people than white people could mean revenge, which can mean that there may actually be more racism in the United States. No matter what we do, or what we say, racism will always remain a factor here in America. But new people are going to always into the United States. Legally and illegalyl and when people come from different cultures into America of course they'll get treated different. However, the question is whether thats a factor of racism or not.

Stephen M. 2 said...

I think sadly enough like the common cold race is something that will neve go away. In 2050 it will greatly matter because it is predicted that the demographics of the country will change making whites minorities with 47%. I feel they won't be punished for all of thei wrong doing in the past because by that time the laws will be tight to wear they still will feel as if they're are superior to other races."With the rate of known mixed raced at 79 percent in 2009, by 2050 this should be percent should be near 100 percent if not over"(page 42.)I think that this will be a way that to keep continuing the issues among America in addition to crippling the youth by making them feel bad because they're half miniority and half majority versus half black and half white. In the long run race will matter and still will be around it will just take on a new light 30 years from now.

Barry Ford said...

I think that when whites become the minority, there will be lots of dangerous events that will occur. They will probably feel like that since whites first came to america, they will want to take over. As stated on page 39, "It is all too easy to exaggerate this turn in statistics".

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think race won't have such an impact on America in the year of 2050. I think race will have some relevance, but it won't be as decision altering as it is now. For example, if a white man was to go into a predominately black neighborhood then he would be judged greatly and rarely trusted. However, I feel as if these things will change in 2050. Randi T Period:4

Erika B said...

Will Race Matter in the U.S in 2050 and beyond?

Me as a minority i believe that race will always matter in the world and not just in the U.S. i feel this way because race as played a major role in almost every major event. Just like Barak Obama becoming president, that was major because he was African American. In the text it say's "We have not yet reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism, and nativism will be always with us" (page 40). Giving every major event that has happened in my life time so far i truely agree with this statement.

Erika B;4TH Period

Micole said...

Yes, I believe that race will matter in 2050 and beyond because "We have not reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that that racism, tribalism and nativism will always be with us." (pg.40) Most people look at race as who you are as a person, meaning if you are African American you have a stereotype as being ghetto, loud, etc., and by looking at how the media portrays some ethnic groups, the stereotypes that people have for other races, seem to be true. I would hope that race would not matter in 2050 and beyond, but it always will because there will always be a few people who are ignorant and racist and their actions toward other races will be an influence on people around them like family or friends. Also for some races who have people who feel as if they are superior to other races, race will always matter to them, because being a dominant race, they believe they have more power, and control over the world.
Micole T. Period 4

moorealexssa said...

I think race will matter in 2050 because no matter, there will always be some kind of separation dealing with race. Society uses race to separate as if it is a class division, especially in American. Over the years we have overcome many difficulties and struggles because of racism among other race. Many people think that ending racism and redefining the term "race" is impossible epsecially since there is more new coming immigrants but “The tension between assimilation and separation is eternal, but there is no doubt that this flood of immigration and the breaking down of barriers between previously estranged groups within the country has created a much more fluid culture than previous generations might have though possible.” Whites are known as the majority and think that they are more dominant because that what people and society classify them as and that leaves blacks as the minority race. But, I think that by 2050, blacks will become the more powerful and dominant race. I’m not sure if the socially class division of races will end and “We have not reached the promise land. Racism will always be with us.”

Anonymous said...

I believe race wouldn't even matter by 2050. In the reading it talks about how interracial marriage is becoming more and common and accepted and how many different races are coming to America. This shows that everyone is going to have mixed blood and soon everyone will begin to look alike.

Andre said...

In 2050 race will not matter as much a it does today. Race would only be used to classify people such as a name. Like the article says ..."a country in which traditional barriers of race and age and gender are crumbling". This quote is saying that as of present day, race as long with other american traditions are being broken. With the more and more non-whites coming into the country the less race matters as it did back in the day. "By 2050, experts esimates that non-Hispanic whites will account for just 47 percent of the total U.S. population." This is going to force the whole idea of race to change, but race will only matter as a source of identity in the year 2050.

Anonymous said...

I believe race wouldn't even matter by 2050. In the reading it talks about how interracial marriage is becoming more and common and accepted and how many different races are coming to America. This shows that everyone is going to have mixed blood and soon everyone will begin to look alike. (Restated my post so that my name would show instead of Mzinvisble)

TaylorK said...

Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 and beyond? I think race will always matter. Race has mattered for so long, it is hard to believe that in 2050 all of the discrimination will just end. Caucasians, really if not all races will always see people as just a color. Race has turned into something more than just a skin tone, it has started a line of discrimination to a whole ethnic group as a whole. Race is proven to be a big factor in America, on page 70 in the article race by state is split up to prove that whites and blacks have not fully gathered together to live. In a way they are still avoiding one another. The states are split into the whitest and the blackest. If race did not matter as much, then a chart of separate states would not be needed. It takes time and at this rate if doesn't seem like anything is really changing. It was hard for Obama to get elected, so many people did not want to see a black president but supposedly things have "changed" right? Not really.

-Taylor K. Period 8th

Dr.phil said...

Phillip Bridges

I think that race will not matter as much as people will think in 2050. While immigration will rise and whites won't be the majority any more I think that a lot will have changed by then.People opinion of race has changed a lot in this past decaded. For example more people have approved of interacial marriage from 54% in 1995 to 80% in 2009 and that probably is still increasing little by little. i'm not saying that racsim will be completely gone and everyone will hold hands singing kyumbaya race wont have a big impact as we think.

Quintan P said...

I believe that race will matter in the year 2050 and beyond. In the packet, it talks about how immigration boomed in the 20th century(page 40). If immigration continues to increase at this rate, this can effect the amount of jobs available, the amount of homes available to the public, and food. depending on what race you belong to, it can effect your chances of getting access to many of the things America offers.(peroid 8)

Dario said...

Dario M.
I think that in 2050, race will still matter and will continue to matter for a long time. The author says that,"we have not reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter"(40) I think that as long as there are people who look different, and speak different languages, people will always see these differences. If and when white people become the minority, I think that race will matter even more because the people that were minorities will feel more enpowered, and will treat those of other races differently. I think that the tensions that exist today will most likely worsen if the populations change.

jessikaa001 said...

Race has always played a big part in the world all throughout the course of history; so yes, I do believe race will matter in the year 2050 and beyond. I think race will matter in 2050 and beyond because it's been a part of the American lifestyle for so long now, and we've all become accustomed to it. Also, it will matter in the future because of the upcoming "majority-minority."
"The short-hand for this milestone, projected to take place in about 2050, is the arrival of a "majority-minority" country, but if the minorities are actually the majorities, we should probably fine a cleaner linguistic way to talk to the coming reality." (p.39)
This quote is basically explaining how the minority now (blacks, asians, hispanics etc.) will soon rise above the majority (which is white people) & become the new "majority-minority; which will make them the new majority. This quote is also shows how race could still be an issue by hinting to the fact that whites could have a problem with the new majority and themselves becoming a minority; this could lead to a lot of chaos.

Jessika L.
Period: 8

Akina W. said...

Akina W. prd.8
I believe that race will always matter, but only to a certain extent based on history and how things are now. For example, back in the day, because of your race you where restricted on what you can do a where you can go. Now in 2011, it is nothing like that. Race is no longer a burden, but it is still present. It is still a divider. It will always matter. “We have not reached the promise land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism and nativism will be always with us”. Race can’t possibly ever be forgotten, therefore, it will always matter.

shelby said...

Shelby P. Period 8

1. Race will not matter past 2050, and beyond because there is such an uprise with interracial relationships. In the past decade, interracial relationships has risen from 54% to 80% (pg 41). It's going to continue to grow, and grow, and by the time 2050 comes around the percent of full-blooded races are going to be so low since everyone is going to be mixed with something else. The majority of people are going to be with someone of different background than them, and by 2050, everyone will be one race, mixed.

Daushay said...

Daushay C. Period 8

Will race matter in the U.S. in 2050 & beyond? Race will be a non factor in 2050 & beyond. The Obama election shows that American citizens no matter the race can make a difference if they chose to. Blacks & other minorities such as Hispanics were treated so horrible in the U.S. back in the 15th century it is amazing to see how much they have grown from then. “We the People of 2009 are not We the People of 1959 of 1969 or even 1979” (p. 39). This quote explains how the minorities have changed just in politics & how much they participate in political elections. By the year 2050 race won’t be a factor because of how African Americans & other minorities are making it a non factor in today’s society. By the time the year 2050 comes around we will probably have had a president of every race, man or woman. If we can do it in 2009 by electing the first black president we can easily do it again as long as we, the people, all try & have faith in what is trying to be accomplished. “The election of the 44th president represents a kind of redemption from the long and tragic history of blacks in America since the first slaves arrived in Jamestown, Va,. in 1619” (p. 40), this quote in general shows how the election of Barack Obama changed society & the way that Americans feel about race.

Dominique Easley said...

Dominique Easley Period 8
I think that race will matter in the year 2050, and I think it will always matter. I believe that it wont be as important as it is now but it will always be relevant. Because people who are racist now will teach their children racist things, but as the United sates become more diverse people will have to learn to get along with each other. The packet states that "the United States population will increase to 438 million in 2050, and only 42% of the country will be from whites". Even though whites will have the highest population in the United States, it shows that the United Staes is becoming more mixed.

Angelique J said...

Angelique Johnson Period 8
I feel that race will matter in the year 2050 and beyond. In fact, race will always matter. Race has always been a big part in whatever America has to offer. In the packet on page 40 it states "we have not reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism and nativism will always be with us". This is basically saying that we are not at a point where race won't matter and that it will always exist. Also, it talks about the "majority-minority" which also plays an important role on why race will matter in the year 2050 and beyond. On page 39 it says, ".. in about 2050, is the arrival of the "majority-minority" country, but if the minorities are actually the majorities, we should probably find a cleaner linguistic way to talk about coming reality". This is saying that the "minorities", like asians blacks and hispanics, will soon out number the "majority" which is whites. In the long run, this can also lead to trouble in the future with the "minorities' rising over the "majority"

chazz said...

Chazz J #8
I believe that race will always matter but the level of "matter" will drop significantly in 2050. Racism is a topic that can’t be avoided because history has made it that way. Everyone will some day hear about Martin Luther King Junior or Emmet Till and know the struggles that they and others endured. Everyone will know that in 3008, the first African American president was elected because of documents and that being our history. However, I feel as though the color of ones skin no longer defines who they are, who they can love, or what society deems is the "better" skin color. In the packet, Who We Are Now", "Public approval of interracial marriages has risen significantly in the past decade from 54 percent in 1995 to 80 percent today.(pg.41)" Society approves people of different colors loving each other, when before it was a crime to love someone out of your race. We as a people have come a long way: working together, even living together. "..Mixed race couple has risen from 58 to 79 percent... close family members live with someone of another race or who has a very different racial, ethnic or religious background. (pg.42)" Despite this, there is still a long way to go. "In hard economic times there is often a search for an "other" on which to blame the problems in life. (pg.42)" I believe in the end there will no longer be an other, just equals. "The voices of new America, of Obama's America, are just beginning to be heard. (pg.42)"

Young_Dion said...

1. I believe that race will still matter in 2050. In the article, it states ''We have not reached the promise land. Racism will always be with us.''(Page 40) I agree with these statements, because people never really seem to let the past go. A lot of time has passed since the beginning and end of slavery, and the civil rights movement, etc. but you still hear the words ''nigga'' and ''nigger'' used. And not just by black people. I think in order for race to really matter in the future, it depends on who the majority race is. Looking at the graphs and charts on page 70, it looks like the majority race is going to be Hispanics.

Lonnie W., 8th Period

kimberlyw said...
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Anonymous said...

I believe that by the year of 2050 race will still matter, just as it is has always mattered. On page 40 of Who We Are Now, it states “We have not reached the promised land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter; history tells us that racism, tribalism, and nativism will be always with us.” What that means is that at this point in time race still plays a major role in society, and because of the fact that we have been here for so long and it still matters only foreshadows that is the year of 2050 it will continue to play a role in society. Although racism will continue to matter in the future, I think people in general will become more accepting of the diversity among us because of the fact that by that time is it estimated that the population will be predominately a minority country (39). Ultimately, race will always matter, however, people will become more accepting to the diversity because of it because of the vast growing income of people from foreign countries we have seen.
-Eunice V. Period 8

jerrvon said...

Jerrvon E(Period 8)
Yes I think race will matter in 2050 still because race is a psychological belief that differentiates the origin of people. Therefore, even 40 years from now, if a Latino president came upon,it would be a huge deal to Hispanic Americans because it had never been accomplished. On page 40, of the article, in big letters it says, "Racism will always be with us." Although whites will no longer be a majority, other races will come up on the rise and as a result of the diversity, new changes and challenges will occur because whoever is in power will control racism.

DalilahDuran said...

I believe that race will still matter in 2050 and beyond because minorities are always going to exist whether they are blacks and hispanics or whites. For example, "whites may make up only 47 percent of the country, ending centuries of a majority-white America." White people are not going to be okay about them being a minority, especially since the aren't okay with it now. Maybe with them being the minority they'll have to go through the same racism that minorities have been going through for hundreds of years, So watch out mr. pond!

Dalilah Duran
Period 8

JerriJ said...

I think that race will always matter in America. From the beginning, race was created based on the outside differences of people, and there will always be those differences. Even in the future those differences will still be there."Color has defined American life as it defines vision itself." When people think of America they think of how different races are able to live freely. Whites have always been the majority, so even if they become the minority it gives the minority to finally have a voice in what goes on in America. And even then race matters, when you go for a job the ask you for your race, when you go to apply for school they ask you your race. When you apply for financial aid they ask you whats you race. In the future people will still judge you off the color of your skin even if your the majority. The past always effects the present.

Jerrien H. 8th pd

AntionetteH said...
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AntionetteH said...

Will race matter in the United States in the year 2050 and beyond?
I think that race will matter in the year 2050 and beyond. Looking at the demographics on page 70 it shows the breakdown of population increase from 2000-2050. Hispanics will make up 61.9% of the country while other races between or less than 20%. This will happen due to immigration. Also, Race will still matter in 2050 and beyond because according to the packet it says "We have not reached the promise land in which race and ethnicity no longer matter". This means that history can not be erased or changed. Also, society is not perfect anyway and nor will it ever be. There will always be a few racist people in the world.

Antionette H Period 8

marshawn said...

I do not believe whites will be punished if they ever become the minority in the future. Even if whites become a minority, or a predicited 47% of the population in the passage, they still play an important role in the the forward progress of our country. In my opinion, regardless of the population, whites will still hold a superior power in different areas of American society. They will still own business, hold positions and so on. The minority/majority comparison will go unnoticed.

ken93 said...

Although there aren't clearly drawn lines that divide peope by race, racial divsion still exists.
In 1965 Presiden Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Immigration Act, but moments later he seemed as though he was convincing White Americans that they had nothing to fear. This meant that he wasn't convincing them to stop segregation; he was only creating a more diverse country (pg 39). A more recnt quote came from pg 40 , and it says "We have not reached the promise land. Racism will always be will us." I agree with this quote because people are not as open-minded as they should be. They are quick to reject the unfamiliar, and this is why race will matter in 2050.

ken93 said...

Kenya E. period 8 posted the last post

Lauren Lanier said...

"Will whites be punished in some form when they become the minority in the US future?"

I am going to answer number #2 by saying that I do not believe that whites will be "punished" once they become the minority because many people of this race will still hold powerful jobs as a minority. Even if they become a minority, nothing drastic will happen such as moving the racial group to reservations. According to the "Stirring the Pot" statistics, even in the "Blackest States" where African-American make up perhaps 35% of the population, they are still a minority and they are not singled out in the following states either.

Anonymous said...

I think whites will definitely be punished some how when they become minorities. In the reading there is a quote that says, "We have not reached the promise land. Racism will always be with us." What i get from this is that people will always be racist, so when the minorities now get on top, they'll mistreat whites because of their racism that has built up towards whites. Basically, they'll get whites back for what they did because they will never forget and will always be racist towards them.

Anonymous said...

I think white people will definitely be punished in some way. There is a quote in the reading that says, "We have not reached the promise land. Racism will always be with us." What I get from this is that people will always be racist and that people will still be bitter towards the race who oppressed their own. Basically, when whites become a minority, other races will get their revenge on them because they will still be racist and will still be upset with whites.

Anonymous said...

I believe race wouldn't even matter by 2050. In the reading it says "acceptence of interacial marraige has gone up 54% in 1995 vs 80 whcih shows how interracial marriage is becoming more and common and accepted and how many different races are coming to America. Also, in the reading it says "the U.S population will rise from 296 million to 438 million in 2050." and " 82% is from immigrants." This shows that everyone is going to have mixed blood and soon everyone will begin to look alike. Once this begins taking place race will become hardder to define and it will soon evaprorate.

jeremiahp said...

I think that by the year 2050 race will no longer matter in the U.S. but rather social class. Even though article states that "color has defined American life as it defines vision itself" it seems that every decade after the civil rights movement racism has become less less common and public. America media seems bent on the idea of promoting equality an unity. I do however believe people will buy into some stereotypes,but i don't believe that they will affect someone's judgment on how to treat a person

Jeremiah P
(period 4

kimberlyw said...

Kimberly W. Pd# 8

I do not believe that race will matter in 2050. According to the article, (pg.41) it states that " public approval of interracial marriages has risen significantly in the past decade." If America is accepting people as they are now, then, in 2050, there will be more of a change. Racism in America is subsiding. People are strating to accept one another and become one.

Also, as the gernerations go on, parents are teaching their children to be better people. In the work place, there will be a large variety of races. If one cannot get along with someone of a different color, then thet will have a long life ahead of them.

Racism will never totally be gone, but people will learn to deal with one another in order to succeed.

Shamier L said...

No. I do not think that race will matter in 2050. i think that when whites become a minority they still will hold higher positions of power. the minority will come from the lower class population being wiped out and not the upperclass.