Friday, August 28, 2009

Changing Racial Attitudes?

Researchers at Florida State University found some interesting results when studying racial bias towards African Americans in non-black students. Below you'll find the article, which I'd like you to read and comment on. Additionally--I'd like you to set aside 10 minutes so you can take the Implicit Association Test yourselves. Click on the link and scroll down to take the race test. You might want to take other tests as well. The test only measures attitudes towards white and black Americans--but I'd still like to hear about your results. Feel free to comment on either the test, your results, or both. Have fun!,0,2982580.story
Studies of racial attitudes grapple with Obama factor
After decades of exposure to all of those stereotypes -- the Aunt Jemimas and the gangsta rappers, the Willie Hortons and TV drug dealers -- this just wasn't supposed to be happening.
By Richard Fausset
Tribune Newspapers 
August 23, 2009
The test results baffled Florida State University psychologist Ashby Plant. She checked and rechecked the figures. Something must be wrong, she told herself.

Plant and her colleagues had just administered a racial Implicit Association Test to 74 white college students. A common tool in psychology lab work, the test purports to measure the kinds of biases people may not admit, or even know, they harbor. It is one of the more troubling, and fascinating, realities in Plant's line of work that when the test is administered to whites, roughly 75 percent typically show some degree of anti-black bias.

But in this case, her subjects were displaying almost no bias against blacks. In fact, about 45 percent appeared to be favoring blacks over whites. "It made us stop dead in our tracks," she said. "I mean, this was unheard of."

It was spring 2008 -- a moment of mounting intensity in America's presidential race. It was also the moment when Plant found herself delving into a new subspecialty with few precedents in the social sciences.

Call it Obama Studies.

It is a line of inquiry pursued by a small group of researchers, most of them experts in the nature of bias and prejudice. Their goal is to bring some scientific rigor to vexing questions that continue to ricochet around American dining rooms, the kind that were only amplified this summer with the arrest of black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.: How are racial attitudes changing, if at all, in the age of the first black president?

Plant and her colleagues began speculating that their surprising numbers had something to do with candidate Barack Obama. Perhaps, they would write later in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, the students had been profoundly affected by repeated exposure to a man "whose qualities -- well-educated, motivated, articulate -- contradict the negative stereotypes of African-Americans."

So they began designing an experiment to test their hypothesis.

Serious scientific inquiry into the nature of prejudice largely has been the domain of social psychologists, who study the way people interact with, think about and influence one another.

The discipline tends to focus on big-picture questions ("What are the motivational sources of prejudice?") and hyper-specific biological observations (for example, the role of certain brain regions in race-based fear responses).

But with Obama's victory -- in a country where, 50 years ago, nearly half of white voters would not consider voting for a black candidate -- a number of researchers have turned their attention to the influence of one man.

Thus far, some of the most widely discussed test results have been contradictory. If there has been an "Obama effect" on racial consciousness, it's not clear yet what it is.

Ray Friedman, a management professor at Vanderbilt University, conducted studies that suggested exposure to Obama's convention speech and election helped black students close an achievement gap with whites on a verbal aptitude test.

But in another study, a New York University researcher found that thinking about Obama had no discernible effect on black students' test scores.

At Stanford University, researchers led by graduate student Daniel Effron found what might be called a reverse Obama effect. In their studies, white Obama supporters showed favoritism for whites over blacks in hypothetical situations -- perhaps because by supporting Obama, they felt bestowed with nonracist "moral credentials" that made them more comfortable siding with fellow whites.

Plant, 40, is white, and some of her memories growing up in Baltimore involve unpleasant encounters with the realities of race, like the awkwardness of watching a stereotype-riddled TV show with her black best friend.

Over the years as a social psychologist, she has corralled hundreds of undergraduates and other volunteers into various university psychology labs to be virtually plumbed and prodded.

Last year, she enthusiastically supported Obama for president although, she said, "having studied prejudice for so long, I have to admit that at times I doubted" a black man could win.

To determine if Obama had accounted for a true change of mind, Plant and her main collaborator, University of Wisconsin psychologist Patricia Devine, would have to overcome a problem that has shaped the course of their field more than any other in recent years: how to record people's racial attitudes when it has become taboo to openly voice prejudices.

One key tool is the Implicit Association Test. Plant and her team didn't think they could show that Obama was the sole cause of lower bias: It would be difficult to isolate his influence, given all the stimuli out in the world. But the researchers thought they might be able to at least show a correlation via a two-part test.

In the first part, 229 University of Wisconsin students, all nonblack, were given Implicit Association Tests and then asked, among other things, to list five thoughts that came to mind when they considered black people. Once again, the students, as a group, failed to show much anti-black bias.

Researchers then noted if the participants listed any "positive black exemplars" -- for instance, Obama, Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks. They found that students who listed a positive exemplar showed less bias on the test.

That alone was interesting, but was Obama the one reducing the bias scores? That required navigating around a big problem: "How do you know that somebody's thinking of Barack Obama when they're exposed to black people," said Plant, "without explicitly asking about Barack Obama?"

Their solution was to call in 79 nonblack students for an experiment at Florida State. They, too, were given an IAT. Separately, the researchers exposed them, subliminally, to the words "black" and "white" by flashing them on a computer screen for 55 milliseconds each. (The effectiveness of such subliminal "priming" in advertising remains in question, but psychologists have used it effectively to influence people's responses in lab settings for decades.)

The students then were shown a succession of letter groupings, some real words and some nonsense strings of letters, and asked to pick out the real ones. Some of the real words were crime-related. Other words were government related, such as "politician" or "president."

This exercise would test how quickly the students were able, when primed with the word "black," to pick out the positive, government-style words that were associated with Obama, as compared with the negative words.

The researchers compared the results of the subliminal exercise to the IAT results. In essence: Those who responded more quickly to government-related words when primed with the word "black" also showed less implicit prejudice.

The researchers concluded that Obama's rise seemed to have influenced "the underlying associations at least some people carry around in their minds about black people."

They also warned of drawing "overly strong conclusions," and, in fact, Brian Nosek, the University of Virginia researcher and psychologist who co-manages Project Implicit, said an analysis of 479,000 people tested online in recent months showed little evidence of changes in racial attitudes that can be attributed to Obama. Still, Nosek said he expects that the first black president will change Americans' deepest racial attitudes. "It's just that we don't know yet what those changes will be," he said.


Unknown said...
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MC Dragon said...

I feel that politics control certain people's mindest, but I personally do not care about politics. The test was incorrect in finding my personal bias for a certain race. That's because I have none. I am a very neutral person on almost everything i do. I can have a strong argument for both sides of an argument. But tnat doesnt mean i dont have ideals. I just believe that everyone and everything is equal, and Obama's victory proved it. No matter his race, no matter his sex, it wouldn't have mattered if he lost, but it mattered if he won. That was the point, and this is my point: I'm glad to hear that people are less racially bias against ANYBODY, so all that needs to improve is our mindsets.

Raisin said...

It's somewhat of a shock that Obama becoming president actually gave non-black students a positive perception of black people. I think the age of the students should have been recorded as well to see if the animosity (or lack there of) related to a certain generation. Overall, its surprising and comforting to know that people are starting to get more acceptive.

Now about the test itself, I have mixed feelings. I can kinda see what the test it trying to do and I somewhat agree with the method. According to the test, I strongly prefer Europeans over African-Americans. I personally thought that I was completely unbiased (or as unbiased as a person could get) but the test does prove that being completely unbiased is impossible. After taking the test, I feel that my thoughts and beliefs haven't changed much but I will continue to be open-minded and try to be as unbiased as possible when judging others.

Anonymous said...

I feel that the overall test was interesting. The outcome however, was not something that I wouldn't expect. Because Obama is the first black president of course peoples judgments of black people will change or either evolve. Obama is known as a smart and educated black man. Most people of the none black race are not use to defining blacks as being such. I think that the article will teach a lot of people knew things about race. But I wonder, if it only took a smart and educated black person to alter the overall stereotypes of blacks being ignorant and dumb, then why has it taken so long for blacks to prove themselves? Or should the question be why do blacks have to prove themselves?

KaylaBayla said...

I like this study because it's not biased itself! For instance there are some tests that will ask biased questions or have a racist goal or hypothesis. This idea however doesn't it simply is a researcher trying to figure out the cause and effect of racism & Obana being president.

Count Olaf said...

There were highly educated African American people before Obama and there will be more after him. However, I feel that Obama just put this bit of information out there for whites and blacks to see alike. Him becoming president was like a wake up call for young blacks, and this call is saying as “if I can become president being a black man, you can become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc.” So this may have inspired blacks to get up, get out and do something so we can better our own neighborhoods and not have to rely on other races to do it for us; but we can’t say that we weren’t doing this before Obama became president.
As for the study, all that a lot of white people know about blacks is what they see on TV. Sadly, many of the shows you see on T.V portray blacks as dangerous, uneducated thugs, or homeless crack dealers. It wasn’t really until Obama started running for president that they were exposed to a “professional, charismatic black man”, even though there are many out there. Once they realized that all black people aren’t uneducated heathens, they began to change their perceptions of blacks. That’s all I feel in a nutshell.

One_n_Only said...

In response to the article, I feel that Obama's victory of the election may have changed non blacks perspective on blacks, when writing it down, but does that prove anything in reality? The data obtained in the test are shocking and quite different from what i expected. This is what I thought before I took the test. "They found that students who listed a positive exemplar showed less bias on the test." However, reality is that much has not changed. Sure in this test they didn't appear to be bias, but when I took the quiz it told me that I am. The truth is that this quiz has errors and is not always accurate. I know that I am not bias at all, race is only a color to me it does not define or tell how worthy a person is.
Ideally America wants Obama to influence perspectives made on blacks, but just as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks Obama is making history to add to another chapter to "Americas Struggle to End Racial Issues." (Not an actual book, just a point I am making) They all were people who stood for change, Obama is bound to influence. However, its not a guarantee that that influence is positive or negative. "45% appeared to be favoring blacks over whites." 45 out of a 100, is not much to celebrate or admire. Rather the numbers approved or not they are still low. Much more change is needed to proved to me, not through numbers but actions, that people are not bias towards African Americans.

Manny said...

I believe that a black president has put an influence on nonblack people about our race. Politics has always influenced peoples views, your either with a side or against a side. people are starting to open there eyes to what racist and bias issues we have in our world, through obama. people are becoming more acceptive, because of a black confident, and articulate president, to the black race. you can see studies have proved it.
Now the test is interesting, i dont believe im bias in any way, but of course everybody has alittle bias in them. but the question overall where decent questions, but the results werent what i was looking for.

Queen Q said...

I think that people have differnt opinions on different views of politics. I feel that it was really no need for the students to take the test because anyway it went they were still going to have the same atiitude against racial groups after the results of the test. I am confident in everything and I could have many arguments as to why both sides can be right but everyone is created equal and Obama proved that in his theory when he became president. People are less racial to many its just that everyone has their own opinions in their own minds.

BoM said...

I for one don't believe in the whole preference of whites over blacks or vice versa.After taking the IAT test I simply didn't like my results because i have no preference. I'm the type of person that doesn't has favoritism in any way. After reading the article, I think that it's not even if a person likes one race over another. And I didn't know why they pick politics. But, in a way it was a good thing because I didn't find it surprising that Obama would be president.I am glad that he's president but in a way i would think that all different ethnicities would join together as one but not everyone had the same perspective as mine.

BeckyBandana said...

First the test procedure was very unique. It gained the opinions of the people with out asking questions that would have resulted in bias answers. Honestly Obama has changed how many view blacks, he has created a new pathway for everyone. Obama becoming president has shown the world that sterotypes aren't what all blacks grow up to be.

lili.lovely828 said...

Personally I didn't agree with my IAT Race results. I think that my results were stupid. My results said that I have a moderate preference for European American compared to African American. I don't think this is true I don't have a preference over anybody. Personally I don't care what race, religion, sex, etc. that you are we are all humans. I just care about how a person portrays themselves.

In Response to the article I think that it is amazing how one person can change the mindset of people. I think that it is a good thing that people are being more open-minded. However, I feel like a test doesn't tell what kind of person you are or what your beliefs are. In Obama becoming president I feel like it gave hopes to others like myself that racism against African Americans or minorities in general will stop. However, I feel like this is not the case and racism will continue to happen. I would have expected for people to be less racially bias sooner just because Obama hasn't been the first famous African American individual in history.

maya grandberry said...

I feel as if race, religion or sex shouldn't matter and a person shouldn't be judge based off their looks or opinions.I totally disagree with my IAT RACE results because I personally feel as if I do not have a strong automatic reference for white people compared to black people because I am not prejudice or racist but I feel as if I have a strong automatic refernce more to Black People.I believe that everyone is equal and is created differently.As for example,Obama may have been seen to others as a black man who probably couldn't win the election but to African Americans he made a change ,but not only for Blacks but for all races. I bascially beieved that the test is bascially a judgmental test, juding people based on questions,as I read the other comments posted I notice that majority of the bloggers disagree with their results as well.I know that I believed that all people are equal, no matter what race and anybody can be anything they want to be, because looks doesn't matter. The black president Obama has changed the world.

Mz_C said...

I feel that the test was unique but could not tell what is your preference. I think that this test shows you more of what idea is in your head towards a certain race due to the media or other things. My results were not at all what my preference is. My results stated that I slighty prefer European Americans, which is real off because I dont have a preference.

Bea, said...

This entire research project that was conducted was very intriguing. It is interesting to see the results of the white students who took the test. Like you would not think that their results would favor black people, "The Obama effact."
Why does it take this long for people to see that there were intelligent black people waaay before Barack Obama? I think it is because he is in a higher position than the other black leaders of the past. I think its sad that they are not like really noticed or even acknowledged as much as Barack.
Nosek said he expects that the first black president will change Americans' deepest racial attitudes. "It's just that we don't know yet what those changes will be," he said. I found that last quote to be like very interesting. The beginning is so true. Like the election of the first African American president should change many stereotypes not only for blacks but for other minorities too.
My test results said that i strongly prefer European Americans than African Americans. That is not true, like I do not think I show any bias or favoritism towards any race or nationality.

allihaveisallofme said...

I feel, personally that this Implict test, which i have just finished taking, tells me nothing on whether ornot i am racist. Furthermore, i do feel like Barack Obama's presidency has has a positive effect on white's mindset's toward bias and racism. However, i do feel like college students are more moldable in their ideas, because they no longer have there family's to inflence their beliefs. In fact, our families are the ones that influence us the most, not necessarily the media and what not. I do believe however, that times have been changing, and Barack Obama being elected president, has changed the mindsets of many people.

michie2011 said...

I agree with the article when it talks about Obama being the cause of less or no racial biases from white to blacks. Obama, being the opposite of an example of an African American stereotype, has made "whites" start looking at blacks in a positive way. He may not have eliminated racial bias, but he has decreased it. I personally strongly agreed with my results from the IAT. My results were that i have little to no automatic preference between African Americans and European American. I believe these results are very true to how I am.

Agent_Bubblez said...

My personal feelings toward the test was that it made my eyes hurt. I don't feel that I have a bias against white or black people, but the test showed that I am more inclined to white people. I think that the test was sort of flawed becuase when the first "Good/Bad & Black/White" images and words started popping up they were automatically burnt in my memory. So when the same images and words came up a second time in a different order I started pressing the wrong letters and images into the categories.

Jalyssa_Woodall said...

Well first & foremost, I would like to say that it took me foreverrrrr to find that survey.! I was sooo struggling Mr. Pond.! But before I took the survey I did read the blog posts& like everyone else, i thought it was interesting. The part that stuck out to me the most was when the researchers were saying that people's perspectives had changed due to Obama being the 1st African American President. I have to agree w/ them simply b/c I think some people are becoming more open minded. I think that having an intellectual & relatable African American President shoots down all (well, some) the sterotypes out there about African American males. Therefore, I do believe he's helped us as a society directly& indirectly. But I also agree w/ the fact that maybe& hopefully so people have changed their perspectives b/c they are FINALLY growing up & getting over this whole "race" thing. &as far as the test goes i don't really understand the results but here are the big ones in my opinion they go:: strong automatic preference for white people compared to black people 27%. strong automatic preference for black people compared to white people:: 27%. By looking at these identical results, I think it just proves that i dont prefer one over the other? IDK, I did it though =)

J_Hdez said...

Well the article was interesting. I didn't know that there was people out there doing research in the change of people's thoughts about race. Well i think that President Barack Obama did bring a more positive attitude towards black people. Before him, many people thought less of blacks, and thought that they would never make it to be someone big (like the president of the united states), but Obama proved them wrong. Although many people are stubborn and fail to realize the change happening within them, someday it will be more obvious and they will accept the truth that everyone is equall. Its nice to have another race in the white house. It shows that some minorities are being accepted (but where are all the other races?). Well i also took the test. The results were that i have little to no automatic preference between blacks and whites. I agree with this because i have a very open mind. I enjoy both culture, and even though i have to take all the biased opinions etc from some of my family, i still believe everyone is good. There is always going to be bad people, it doesn't matter what race or ethnicity etc you are, there will always be a group of people, so we shouldn't let that give us the innitiative to prefer a certain group of people over another.

HeyGuy said...

Personally, I don't think that the presidential election changed anything. There are still people, both black and white, that are going to be bias to blacks rather the president is black, purple or, green. I also feel that these test make no sense! The study was interesting and funny. They ask general question and tell you what kind of person of are?!?! I think "researchers" take things to far sometimes.

Cyclops said...

I think the test was interesting because how it was setup up you had to literally think fast so they can score you but it was also a chalenge. My score on the test said that I don't have any prefances with african american or european american. I think this is correct because I don't look at one group thinking they they are better then then the other to me all groups are equal in my view point. Politics do a lot to people because what some people see on tv they going to think that it is really happening out there.

Unknown said...

I took the test and it told me that I prefer white americans to black americans. this is such a shocker because i never thought that it would say I like black people less than white people. I never thought i was biased to my own people. Well you learn something new about yourself everyday.

Packaging Girl said...

After taking the IAT, I was surprised at how unbiased it was. My results were too muffled to see a preference because I had too many wrong answers. The article gained a little bit more credibility with me after I took the test. However, I don't believe there was any direct correlation between Obama and these results. In order to have gained more insight, the researchers should have conducted this test befor his campaign began and after his inaguration. I do believe the findings that 45% may perfer blacks and that some even have not preference. This article was very interesting but I would not use it to base how most Americans may feel in the White-Black issue because of the location of the test. Usually, college campuses are more diverse than the area students originally come from and tolerence is taught from the moment they get on campus.

Boss Ladii T said...

It's amazing how olitics could change a person perspective of race. I believe that if Obama wasn't elected for presidency then the test results of those students whould be slightly different.

When i took the test they said i had a very slight difference in perspective of blacks and whites. This is because when i was taking the test, i had grouped the African Americans slightly faster than the whites. Even though i dont really care what race one may be, i believe one's perspective of a person comes from the judgement of that person's personality.

moni_klc said...

I don’t understand completely how the researchers came up with the questions and analyzed the answers to determine how racist a person is. But the results surprised me some what. I feel its crazy how a person can say that they are not racist but the results show that they truly are but it comes out in a way that they don’t even know about.

tasha said...

Well my results were somewhat true. it was like i would perfer African Americans over Asian Americans, and it's kind of true, but i don't have any issues with other races, specifically asian americans. But i was kind of wondering how looking at pictures based on color and certain words can determine that. But the quiz was decent though.

Nia said...

since the gates and crowley incident, i dont think racial attitudes changed but i do think that more people,especially the media, analyze situations similar to it in a racial manor; meaning if principle Mr and assistant priciple Mt go into a altercasion in which racially terms were said race would be the most important rather than why it happened at our school.
i think that this racial test will not make all people change their opinion on race because some match up the person completely and some may feel it is only half true. race in american was never really an issue concerning the president until obamas campaign. before the the announcement of the november election in 2008, as i recall and interpretted the situation, bush and probably other whites felt that obama didnt have the chance of cleaning up the war and ending it along with other ecomnomic problems. so months before the eletion they decided to start him off because they knew without a doubt obama would win at this point. so as election day got closer, more and more people began doubting him and his ability to run the conutry. and so far he proved them wrong.
the reslts of my race test concluded that i prefered neither european nor african american; simply i'm not racist or bias rather. i was shocked in my results and somewhat confused. shocked because it was absolutely true. confused because when i went to the next page that shows the percentage in which i voted on both races shows a higher percentage of prefering european over african american and a low percentage of prefering african american over european. before i took this survey i felt i wasnt racist because i dont choose to be arond people or befriend people based on their ethnicity or race. that discision would be based on how that person looks at me, talks to me, or maybe their demenor. this test hasnt changed my mindset on race.

Big Dave said...

Despite this experiment it is not safe to say that racial negativity is completely gone, do to Obama's presidency. To be honest I thought it was somewhat racial to say that the students were in favor of black people more now, than ever before, due to a black president. This may be the reason, but everyone needs to realize that the U.S is changing. Our progress may be slow, but its happening. Politics play a huge role in in what people may think. Or deciding what's right or wrong. Did you know that in 2005 congress had just now published a written apology for lynching, and then making it illegal? I thought this was way passed due, it goes to show you that racial conflict are still here,yet I must admitt it's decreasing.

usatlmsa524 said...

after taking the racial test my result said that i prefer european americans to african americans which i honestly believe to be true. i am not racist but i believe that SOME african americans are the ones i do not want to associate with.

Kiersten said...

Article- I found the article interesting. I wasn't as surprised to find out that negative racial biases against blacks are decreasing. With the help of Obama's presidential election, many people of various races are realizing that people shouldn't be discriminated,mistreated,or harmed because of their race. I think many whites were starting to change the negative racial biases before Obama's election, but his election really put the stamp on it.

Test- the results from my IAT was that i had a moderate preference for African American compared to European American. I somewhat predicted this to be my result. I think I am slightly more comfortable around blacks because they are my first nature; I've been around blacks all my life.

miss.marie said...

In my opinion because we have an African American president it wont, yet, change the minds of some prejudice people. It wont change their minds because people already have that preduice mindset because they aren't used to having black people running the government. Maybe in the next 40 to 50 years when the future, white, genearations are used to seeing blacks in governments, I believe most prejuice views will disappear or at least won't be as strong as they are now, or back in our parent's generation.

LMSAGirl2011 said...

Based on the facts given in the article (Obama won 43% of the white vote etc.) maybe this race was a one where people cast most of their racially biased feelings. Maybe people who were considered racially biased were wiling to see a change in the American political system. But I honestly like understanding politics but don't really get tied into it as if I have to watch it's every move. Most people I believe not only voted for Obama's intelligence, andprevious political experience, but his racial status: which is a minority. he was a person with all of the qualifications of an "American" man but enhanced in a way not just the black race but minorities as a whole. After all the majority of America is the minority. Still I also believe that Mr. Obama helped change the attitudes of all races of the world.

Unknown said...

The study can be very confusing to those you don't know their selves, or the people that are covering what they really feel inside. My results were straight down the middle except for the fact that I preferred blacks over whites just slightly. Those results I think is extremely interesting because half the time I try to be neutral, so that I am open to anything. The other half of the time I am some what Afro-centric.
Getting into the article I think that is very interesting that people think Obama can change people's minds. I only think Obama can change the minds of those who aren't sure of themselves. Only the people the extreme ends of the spectrum will be affected by Obama because at the end of the day everyone has to live their own lives.

Anonymous said...

I understand how non-blacks would have been influenced by President Obama and stopped being more biased. Most non-blacks who aren't in an environment where they can be surrounded by blacks are influenced by media. To see someone educated and influential like President Barack Obama changed mindsets. Although I don't think this study proves anything since all the volunteers were college students who are no longer influenced much by their families. As for the test I'm not sure if my results were correct, that's not how I felt but it does say some of our preferences might be shocking to us because we didn't know they existed.

Zuri said...

To start off, I think that the test itself was really interesting and kind of interactive. I was expecting something completely different. I don't understand how its graded or looked at because to be honest I think a lot of people make mistakes when pressing the keys to place either the images or the words in a certain side. But whatever, in my case I believe that the results did reflect my believes I got little or no preference towards European Americans or African Americans. I tend to not be bias because I do think that everyone and everything at some point in time are equal. When talking about race, and people in general I do think that we are all equal because we are all human beings an there is no differences but the color of our skin and the traditions that we have. Referring to the test I do think that my test results were accurate, yet I do not understand how the results are obtained since there is a high margin for faulty results. I say this because the way the test is presented and taken can have many ways in which people can commit mistakes.

Ro² =] said...

I took the test and I personally did not agree to the reasons of my test results. I know I was just pressing any key, going as fast as I could. As for the article, I do not agree that because of Obama, a lot of people are not bias as before. It is a fact though, that Obama will eventually change people’s opinions towards African Americans. I agree that Obama has not affected students’ ACT scores. One thing I wondered about the test was, how many African Americans took the test and how were their scores? Did they show that they also choose European Americans over their own race, or was it the opposite?

Yei N. said...

In my opinion, I think that racial favoritism will still exist towards others. If the people were born and thought to think a certain way for many years, it’ll be kind of though to make their mindset change. In this study, it was interesting how one person could change the way people responded towards black people. Having someone other than a white president run office changed the way we thought and our racial preferences. Even though it was kind of hard to see if Obama made a change to the racial preferences, we can infer that the results changed.

When I took the test I quite didn’t understand the results. There were different sections that meant different things and weren’t that precise. I didn’t expect the test to be like this but it was interesting the way they interpreted the results. I didn’t agree with my results because I don’t have a preference towards no one. I am neutral to any race, sex, etc. The only thing that is important to me is the personality of the person and if they treat me right no matter where they come from or who they are.

nash09 said...

Although the test said i have s slight preference for whites rather than African Americans I don't consider myself racist. I know how I feel towards people and I am sure I'm not like that. Things have happened in our generation to prove that race is not an obstacle for accomplishing anything. From the right to vote won by African Americans to Obama's election. All of these things have dramatically changed our views on power. It made me very happy to see Obama win the presidency because even though I am not African American I know and have studied the history and all they had to suffer.

dakid said...

i believe that there is no test that can prove who is truely bias towards blacks. and i definately don't believe in anything called the "Obama effect" however, i do believe he has had an influence on the recent thoughts of blacks than 50 years ago.

this test can't speak for every individual in the U.S. it is nothing more than a theory scientist have developed to explain something that science simply can't explain. race is a morale issue that is decided in ones contious.

ExcuberantAAR said...

First I would like to say that I really enjoyed both the article and studies because I felt that it related to me in a way because of the life I am in.By looking at the article and the test we can clearly see that the election of our first black president did have an influence on racial attitudes but I don think that without other influences before Obama's election none of this would have been possible. Yes the world has changed a lot and it is mainly because of the generation that we are in, we are more opened minded to hung around and interact with people of different races.
My results after taking the IAT test stated that their data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African Americans. To a certain extinct I do believe that is true because overall I guess I try to live above the common stereotypes associated with the African American race and that was the environment I lived in.
So overall I really like the fact that in both the article and the test, they tried to address a problem that happens everyday, and tried to find stats,etc.

shoes said...

I don't believe that Obama is the direct reason for white people not being as anti-black biased as the one's administered the test predicted. Granted, I believe that Obama has made a subtle change in making some ignorant people change their views slightly but again, they are only small changes. His main focus is not to teach racial tolerance so it is okay that he only made a small difference. Also, how are the administrators able to test whether or not Obama is the sole reason for the new found view of black people? In my opinion, hip-hop is what changed people’s views. It is not the only factor that changed views but recently, it has made a large impact on racial tolerance towards black people. Music is way for different cultures to intertwine and since hip-hop is predominately blacks, it has caused some white people to change their views. This is an interesting article though.

As for the racial tolerance test, it said that I little to no automatic preference between African American and European American. I think this is true because I don’t mind all race groups-it doesn’t make a difference to me what background someone comes from. The test was kind of like odd though on how they are able to know whether or not someone prefers a racial group over another based off of pictures of faces and good or bad words.

lo-lo13740 said...

Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American.

This is my result of the IAT. The est was tiring after a few moments.I don't really have any thoughts on the test but I can say at first I thought the test had nothing to to with how much a person in racially bias until I actually thought about it. If you looked at the pictures and automatically associated them with a negative category then that shows the bias. I didn't think it made much sense until I thought about ti. The article was interesting as well. For a short period of time I thought that many whites only supporetd Obama because they wanted to make themselves look better. But, I guess that Obama really has given African Americans a more positive view of themselves and how others precieve African Americasn as well.

ChangingVoting said...
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ChangingVoting said...

The test was very interesting. The results that I received from the test were not what I expected. The test said that I preferred whites over blacks. I thought that this was odd mainly because I am always hanging around black people. I don’t really enjoy hanging around white people mainly because the way they talk and act. I believed that I actually liked black people more then I liked my own race of people.

xavier said...

Um...humans are very complex creatures, I feel that we have are ups and downs through whatever we do. I guess we just base our conclusions on what we see on the surface instead of looking deeper. These type of experiments just show other people's opinions. I personally don't really know what to think about this blog but it tells me that when we have a certain mindset about something it's hard to change that person's opinion. It's not just in test but everywhere and in anything. I guess when it comes to opinions majority of the human race is stubborn.

green said...

First off let me start by saying this was a very interesting test that Florida State University gave. The whole idea of African American stereotypes can be made untrue. The recent perception of black people has obviously changed since the past few years. In my eyes there is a combination President Barrack Obama appointment into office and the way society has changed. Since we have had an African American President, the entire vibe of the country has changed. Black people are viewed in different ways, other than the generic African American stereotypes. Most of this is because we have a black President, and the other part is because society has changed. After taking the test I realized, I preferred white people to black people which is very interesting to me seeing as though I a black.

History Girl said...
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History Girl said...

Great Article…I actually am not shocked by the fact that non-black students changed their views, ever since Obama became president. It makes sense that having a black president, will truly change the views of people that are non-black, because they can see that, look black people are like everyone else, and they are even capable of becoming president. I really don’t understand how Plant, was so shocked? Having a black president, helps the people (non-black) give more respect to ones that are black. President Obama has truly made the world of races, a better place.
The test was okay. My results were that I had no preference to either African Americans or European Americans, which is true. I believe that people should not favor sides; you should like everyone equally because in the end people will begin to like your own kind equally as well. Being an Arab-American, I would not like if a person had a preference or was in favor of another race against Arabs, because it is wrong. People need to understand that the way one treats a person, they will be treated the same way. The quiz is okay, but needs to be fixed. The quiz should begin to ask more personal question to truly understand the lifestyle the person is living in and maybe the results can be more accurate. Once again, Great Article && Thank You!

kinka said...

When reading the article, I felt like Obama's race played a major role. Some people like to look at Obama as a white man mixed with black but others like to look at him as African American. The people who took the test were probably thinking of Obama to be a white man at the time they were taking the test, therefore they were showing no bias towards black people.

Andres said...

While i do believe that Obama will ease the racial tension, i highly doubt that it'll make it go away, or even subside for a period of time. It is amazing though how one person can change, or tweak, the perception of a race. And really every race/ethnicity should be seen in a positive way, because who are we, as people, to say what is wrong about a certain race or a certain ethnicity.

As far as the test goes, it said that i showed little to no bias, which is true. I don't agree with the actual test itself though. I feel like it tries to trick you more than actually "measure" your bias.

mr. mohawk24 said...

To me, I feel as if most white people are probably not being bias because of Obama. Obama is probably the reason because he has made change in U.S. between most ethnicities. Also to begin with there were mostly white people who voted fot him, so they have been liking him from the start.
As for the test, it was ok but got boring after a while because it was very repeatitive. Also some of the questions they were asking really didnt make since, but I can see why they made this test because it is very eye opening.

jNt said...

I am not suprised with my test resuts...i am more comfortable within my race but i am not biased against other races...I do agree and could see how Obama is bridging the gap betweem races.

Unknown said...

I believe that Obama's being elected has in a very small way affected the way SOME non-blacks see black people. However this also brought a lot of problems to the surface. Because just as there was a lot of positive response to him running alone there was a lot of back lash. Some people felt that the world would end. I don't think that race should have been the only factor in this study because people of different age ranges have different perspectives.

My result of the IAT were that I have little to no preference between European and African Americans. I didn't really CARE that much about my results however I think their pretty accurate.

Anonymous said...

I liked the test because i also believe that even though Obama's presidency has not had a really strong affect on americans, i still believe it has had an affect on the stereotypes of blacks. i believe that this has changed how specifically whites feel about what blacks can accomplish. when i took the test the results said that i favored blacks over others and i cant le but i do believe that this is slightly true. this is because blacks is what i was mostly grew up around and it is my culture and society.

Superstar said...

Obama was an advancement in American culture, but politics forms the midsets of all ethicities. Policitics are some peoples idea of a certain race, and Obama basically proved that we are all equal, and anything is possible. As far the test go, i don't agree with my score (I accidently messes up ocassionally), but it was very interesting.

panda said...

Well I feel that even though Pres. Obama is influential in this country, his influence is limit to those who are readying to change. That being said I can see how some people who have taken the test would not show signs of prejudice, but that was probably because they were not prejudice to begin with. I personal feel that it will take a lot more than just having a black president to have racial turn around in this country

n.y. state of mind said...

i think that politics shouldn't have any control over people although they do. the test said i am not racially bias although some people will say that i am. I believe if obabma was an african american woman it would have been an even large problem then the fact that he is a black male that won the presidency. I'm proud to here that people are not racially bias but their mind state needs to change now.

MzAlreadyFamous said...
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MzAlreadyFamous said...

As I took some of those quizzes, I felt as if some were totally wrong about me and some really told the truth about me. One that I felt that was totally off was the Arab-Muslim and Other People quiz. My results were I strongly prefer Arab-Muslims to Other People. I guess this was trying to figure out if I preferred Arab-Muslims over Other People or vise versa. Not to be racist or anything, I prefer Other People over Arab-Muslim. I just feel this way because I have more experience with others than wit Arab-Muslim. Maybe if I get to know some more Arab-Muslims, my opinion will change, but as of now, no. Those quizzes also help with trying to figure out your personal views on certain situations. I sometimes feel as if I’m prejudice about a lot of topics, but I really can’t help it because my knowledge about them isn’t all that great. So, maybe I can change my views because of those quizzes. This really helps to clean up a lot of things.

Rich_Boy said...

I feel that this article helped all races to believe that there shouldn't be any type of social polarization and that all men should be treated equal. The victory of Obama helped spark a light of encouragement on the minds of many African Americans that may not have thought that they could make it in this world. This allowed those of a darker skin to feel more obligated to do what they must do to make it and achieve greatness.

Cindy-Lu said...

As “Raisin” said, it does actually come as a shocker that Obama being president would give students that were non-black a good outlook on black people. Most people would think that the non-black students would favor whites more, because so many non-blacks were against Obama wining in the first place. The test said that I had a slightly prefer blacks then European Americans. Before I took the test, I thought that I was unbiased but, I guess the test proved me wrong. I guess from no one, I will try not to judge others based on what I have learned or already knew.

itslovely said...

So i think that he could have changed the minsets of people but not everyone entirely. I mean, he did make a difference and he did prove many people wrong. He showed changed.Him winning the election proves that not everyone is biased about race. That they can distinguish the difference of apearance virsus beliefs and what is good for the country.
I dont agree with with my test results they didnt seem acurate to me, i personally dont think im the way the test says. I was a bit shocking. The test confused me a bit.

predka05 said...

I was surprised by my results. The test said I had a slight preference for European people. I don't think this is true at all and has more to do with my reflexes than my sub-conscious. I don't see how a quicker reaction can determine your preference to a certain thing; to me it is a ctach 22. The results could mean I have a slight preference to African-Americans or no preference at all. However, I do believe the way different cultures are portrayed in the media allow for some, myself included, to immediately associate certain words with certain races.

Obama's election will hopefully change that. He doesn't seem to have the characteristics that many people believe black men to have.

%*Miss Siddity*% said...

It is very interesting to see that 45% of the students favored blacks over whites in the IAT. The "Obama Effect" has changed how whites view blacks and this is an unexpected thing. We are so used to being looked down upon that when the poll came about people were left with their jaws dropped. It shows we can overcome the sterotypes & become something different for others to look up to. We can do all things whites can maybe even more. But what if Obama never became president, then these results wouldn't have changed at all whites would still prefer their own kind. Obama has opened many doors and influenced a lot on racial conflicts. He closed the racial gap significantly. My IAT showed that I prefered blacks over other minorities. This is not true because I am netrual to all races & I don't have any biases against races. I believe the test was not factual and it only shows or proves that you are drawn more to those who are around you more than if you have any racial biases.

TaVashane' said...

"Changing Racial Attitudes", yes I would definetly say we are making great progress with racial hatred. I do think that a big factor is President Obama. When he was elected president it showed that there is hope for this nation. However I was still quite surprise in the results of the IAT. I dont think that 45% represented 45% of the white race. There are still alot of white hatred people in this world that may now hide there feelings toward black people because of the day and age. Explicit racism has died down but Implied racism is everywhere. So although we are making a step foward I dont think we should get laxed in what still maybe occuring.

Delilah said...

This is shocking i just knew the test were going to prove that there were a lot of bias students at Florida State university. However I dont think that its completely because of Barack Obama. I feel that it is somewhat him but I also think that it is a new day in age where blacks and whites are getting along.

GoSoxCubsSukk said...

Me personally i believe that president obama did contradict the minds of most people into believing that blacks are starting to come up in the world as far as class is concerned.
Forty years prior to obama getting elected into office, no one wouldn't have even assumed that a black man would ever be president of the USA. But as time goes one both blacks and whites will become equal in social classes as long as people aren't biased against other races.

Lady_J said...

I thought this test was going to be very long and boring, but I found it a little humorous. As I was reading the article I saw how even the thought of Barack Obama made Plant rethink her test. As opposed to people and times just changing she heavily wanted to relate the test results to Barack Obama. To me the matching part of the test didn't prove racial biasis, but maybe that is because I don't study psychology. The test was easy at first but as the elements changed it got a little more difficult. Even though this is true I still feel there was some truth in my results. My results were: Little to no automatic preference between African American and European American. I do sometimes depending on the situation find myself in preference of an Afrcan American rather than an Euroopoean American. These occasions happen because I may feel this person mey understand me better than an European American because they never experienced what I have as an African American female. Politics views and media's opinion probably do change people's view on other races, but I base my views on personal experiences.

MzLaLa said...

Ok, so I took that test thing and I thought it was lame and I don't know how those tests could possibly tell if you're racist because when I was taking the test, the instructions said to go as fast as you can or else it would pick up an error, so as I was nearing the end of the test I got frustrated with trying to go fast and keep up with the time that I was just pressing buttons. Also the questions at the end, the ones that ask you for your race and stuff, I think those are the main questions that determine whether your racist or not. So I could like, purposely put certain answers if I wanted it to turn out a certain way.
Ok, so about the article, I thought it was bogus also in the beginning when that researcher (Plant) was saying when the students took the test and the results came back that they preferred black people over whites, she said that was like very surprising. I mean sheesh is it that hard to believe that people would prefer black people over white people? Also it's like Obama wasn't the first smart and educated black person in like ever, the article was saying (well to me) that people now are having to accept and try to get along with black people because the President is African American. Uh, I think thats it.....CMC

TurnAway said...

I think thats its a mix of the media and people upbringing that make them feel these ways about race and culture. I think the study was a good one because it was not bias at all.

Rado said...

How are racial attitudes changing, if at all, in the age of the first black president?
- I felt this was one of the most interesting questions in the article and i just had to comment on it. I think racial attitudes are getting better in terms of black people. Because at a point of time blacks were not even looked at as a whole person but now there is a black man running the United States of America. I would have never thought that anything of this matter would ever occur. Now I have a totally different perspective of life. When I was little my mom used to always tell me "You can be whatever you want to be when you grow up if you put your mind to it." and i used to have doubts about how good my life would turn out because of how good television made it look for whites and how bad the media portrayed blacks. But the bad thing about the things the media was brain washing me with was actually the truth. But on the other hand with other races it might be a different situation. Im not in the shoes of the white people or the mexicans or latinos so i wouldn't know how they felt. But now everybody knows that anything is possible!

Abdul M. said...

Well, to first respond to the test. I took it twice, the first time it said that I prefered African Americans over European Americans. The second said that I had no automatic preference between African American and European American. I made more mistakes in the second test than I did on the first, it was probably after I was aware that I could get some pictures wrong.The first I probably missed about 5, where as the second I missed about 12. That may have had something to do with it, anywho I think the second test fits me better.

Now, to comment on the article. I don't think racial attitudes are changing in the age of the first black president. He has the most death threats, and many whites hate that a black person has, technically, the most power of the U.S.A. Though, I do believe some attitudes have changed, but overall as a whole, no. But, I think in the future, if Obama is still president, attitudes will begin to change more and more.

HER-story Gurl said...

The test could never fully tell if a person is bias or not. Because of the way the test is formatted, some people may be so focused on getting the question correct that they may not even notice the race in the picture. For some people may be better at this test than others and it may work well for certain people, but I don’t feel that it is the best way to tell the biases that a person has. Truly, I don’t think that any test could fully determine that. In terms of Obama being the reason that some people have put their biases to rest isn’t completely true. Some may not have had a preferred race. Others might have changed their views and opinions not because of President Obama but just because they've learned that all stereotypes are not true and they've found that they have a lot in common with other races. The racial biases aren't going to change until every person on this earth realizes that everyone or thing you come in conntact with should be treated with respect and love.

miley said...

this was very different and i do believe that my generation is not looking at race as much as other generations does. This really opened my eyes about race