Sunday, November 30, 2008

Racism is Dead! I understood from many of the 24/7 news pundits who proclaimed race as a non-factor in the 2008 presidential election. In a column for, author John McWhorter, wrote:

"Obama has come in for some criticism for not putting forth a 'black' agenda--i.e., one designed to combat 'racism' in various ways. It's because he knows that paradigm has no useful application to our times."

So, clearly racism is no longer a problem--or if it is, it has become so minute that we no longer need to consider it as part of a national dialogue. Has our Race & Culture class already become outdated??

Well, I'd like you to consider Obama's victory--is it an end to racism? Will it lead to an end of racism in the U.S.? Before answering, please browse through another blog on the Chicago Tribune website: Exploring Race

I would recommend reading the initial article "Was this race a referendum on race?" and then scrolling through the comments readers posted (you may post on the Tribune site as well, if you so desire). After reading the brief article and comments, please post your reaction here.

***Hi all--I've read some of the posts and appreciate the insight so far...but I want you to DIG DEEPER! Please READ the Chicago Tribune post and the responses posted on the Tribune website before responding here--doing this is critical to the discussion because there is evidence to support your views!***