Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Religion & Racism

Hi All,

Your discussions about God and religion have peaked my curiosity. So, for extra credit--I'd like to offer the following question for discussion:

To what extent, if any, does religion play in racism? I ask this because, as we consider the notion of salvation--and that salvation coming through Christ, or any other prophet--seems to imply that one can only be "saved" if they recognize one, all powerful being as the savior. Doesn't this imply then, that other prophets, religions, are inferior because they do not lead to "true" salvation? And then if we pursue this further: by default, if we presume that one religious deity or prophet is superior over another, then can't that justify the argument that some humans are superior to others (racially or otherwise)?

I'm curious to hear you thoughts (and to see if I'm making sense here)!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Open Ended

Hey all,

We're closing in on the end of Salaita's book. I'm not going to provide you with a specific question to answer this time, but rather allow you the opportunity to comment on the book so far. You may want to raise/address any of the following (or raise your own questions/issues):

1. Do you agree the photos of Lynddie England are a metaphor for perceptions of the War in Iraq as a whole?
2. What do you think about Salaita's juxtaposition between his mother's "God" and the "God" he sees on TV or hears on the radio?
3. What can/should be done to change attitudes about anti-Arab racism in the United States?